The number is ahead of the rest. 380 million euros for a video game, Destiny (Bungie), the most expensive narrative whole story. The title, which opens today for the two great rivals, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and in less spectacular for the previous generation of consoles versions, it takes more than 160 million euros to the most expensive film of all time Pirates of the Caribbean 3 At World’s End (2007), which cost about 227 million euros. . A number of vertigo revealed by the president of Activision (the distributor), Bobby Kotick
The reason for such cost lies in the ambition of two veterans of the game: Jonty Barnes (production) and Derek Carroll (chief designer), two of those responsible for the franchise Halo which has sold over 50 million units. Barnes explains why such an investment: “We are thinking 10 years ahead. It’s funny, now all the arts compete for people’s time. With all the amenities are for phones, tablets, consoles … I do not remember the last time I’ve been bored. So with Destiny want to create something more than a game. We want to create a hobby “
To achieve this feat, Bungie, the developer applies the fashion formula . the transmedia Leveraging its leadership culture industry -70.000 million per year, twice the WORLD movie box office, the game is absorbing the talents of other means. So Destiny has joined the most popular actor of the most popular series. Peter Dinklage, Tiryon Lannister Game of Thrones With so happens that Dinklage is a tremendous fan video games. “We were not able to drop the controller and stop playing cars” laughs Barnes. His role, making robotic lazarillo Player. Plays Ghost, a flying and chatty wit to accompany the user in their epic
One of the classes that the player can choose to ‘Destiny’ to his guardian.
Greater impact is still signing the musical has achieved Destiny. The main theme of the game will be next single the very same Paul McCartney. “It was a choice of the department which has nothing sound business strategy. We love what it is ductile McCartney in his music and that is why we proposed, “says Barnes. Such signing earned them the news immediately jump to, mainstream media still cautious with the growing recognition of the medium as art. Developer is also the explanation of why the Barnes exbeatle agreed to participate. “Because it is open to a new environment and a new public”
All this economic and media effort wrapped in a history of the genre of fashion: space opera, melodrama with lasers and ships from deep space. With Guardians of the Galaxy breaking the box office and Star Wars VII looming on the horizon, Destiny faces the player into a world where humanity has jump to colonize other planets
Paul McCartney composed the theme and Peter Dinklage, Tyrion of the ‘Game Thrones’, gives voice to a robot accompanying a player
The spatial fanfare is not to emulate what he wants to offer film. “If you listen to talk to Pixar, for example, all you will say is:” History, history and history ‘. But for us it is not. In other words, the essential in a video game is experience. Interaction. So we tell the story mainly through what the player does, “says Barnes. That means the movement of different planets Destiny , which will go a desolate Mars Venus to become a new paradise of lush vegetation-exploration is how to discover the story without this you stand and insert a non-playable intro -fragmento that emulates the cinema. Derek Carroll, head of how to play this blockbuster, explains it in a practical example: “You are exploring and suddenly you find a group of people on their way to a mission. Not attacking you or do anything special. Just marching in the distance. So you have to decide if you approach them and choose if you want to help them. “
Both creators believe that all this effort to separate the video game movie is a logical evolution of the maturity of the medium. And that shows that this is becoming more and more before “an art than a craft.” “Just look at the power offered by new consoles to see that we can now convey emotion to our characters. The quality of games is exploding exponentially, “Barnes rivets. And fortune kneading them grows more so. In three days, Grand Theft Auto V sold in three days that the entire music industry in a month. And the way Destiny even before storming the shops and brands bat. It’s the game with more pre-history
The video documentary of the creator of ‘Destiny’ and ‘Halo’, Bungie.
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