Friday, September 26, 2014

I Editatón Wikipedia about the Spanish language in the Library … –

More than a hundred people participating this Saturday I Editatón Wikipedia about the Spanish language to be held in the National Library, as reported by the library itself, the Cervantes Institute and the Royal Spanish Academy.

For eight hours straight, ‘Wikipedians’ experts and novices will edit and create content on the free encyclopedia. At the beginning of the Editatón, the directors of the National Library of Spain, Ana Santos Aramburo, the Instituto Cervantes, Victor Garcia de la Concha, and the Royal Spanish Academy, Jose Manuel Blecua, will welcome the participants, for the first time in this type of action, has a very large number of women.

The three institutions collaborating in this initiative by providing bibliographic documentation site and virtual participants. The content that will be published, and freely choose Wikipedians, articles will range from “the Spanish in the world” or “the language tourism”, the creation or expansion of documents about writers who have obtained the Cervantes Prize. The own items from each of the three institutions will be updated.


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