Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Confirm the death of Richard III on the battlefield – The World

A new investigation into the death of Richard III confirms that his death occurred in the battle . The wounds on his skull show that the monarch was injured after receiving several blows to the head after he had broken off helmet.

Guy Rutty, University of Leicester, said the newspaper The Guardian the two head injuries that caused the death of the monarch were caused by the several assailants attack to own weapons of late medieval period.

The head injuries confirmed by contemporary accounts, under which the August 22, 1485 King Richard III was caught after falling from his horse where he had to fight foot on the ground, before being overtaken by his enemies.

The two head injuries occurred by several assailants attack

In this new study are listed one by one the injury in the bones and assumptions about the weapons used their opponents ( swords, spears, knives, daggers … )

On the other hand Richard III also suffered fatal injuries in the pelvis , according to researchers , this could have been avoided by the armor of the monarch. As speculate that occurred after his death, with the armor and removed.

But Sarah Hainsworth, also from the University of Leicester said that “the wounds in his skull show that not wearing a helmet and that the absence of wounds on his arms and legs indicate that was still armed when he died. “


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