Denzel Washington will become the first black actor who achieves Donostia, however, downplays the label. “It’s not a burden, I am proud to be African American. Every opportunity they have given me the advantage I doing my job the best I could.” The actor who played Malcolm X and Hurricane recognizes that Oscar who won her role as police in Training Day changed his career: “It changed the perception that the industry had over me”
Now repeat with the same director, with Antoine Fuqua , The protector , in which she plays a kind of social vigilante, a superhero without a cape, something-fleshed and very meticulous, which is able to load a bunch Russians. “I am proud of the work we have done, a film that people want to see and I hope the public enjoy”, he stressed. “I want to be like this, standing and facing each day bad, has a good heart, I do not know if he would do as he does,” he added.
Despite being in San Sebastian collecting the honorary prize of the festival for a long film career, the actor has defended the theater above all things. It is his passion. There is not usually abounding characters in film. The last of these complex roles got in Flight Robert Zemeckis . Doing theater is also the advice given to the young actors, including their children are. He was also a beginner once and started acturar influenced by Dustin Hoffman or Al Pacino. “When I started I liked movies like Taxi Driver. did not think about Hollywood, rather in New York or Broadway.”
Thankful to the festival for giving the award, the actor who turned down the role of Brad Pitt in Seven , says he does not regret the things you have done, or which has failed to do. “I do not regret anything. Whatever did, good or bad, make me what I am. Everything I’ve done has brought me here, to San Sebastian.”
Time has also been talk of future projects, for example, the famous biopic Obama , for now, is paralyzed. “It still has not finished his story.’s Very busy.” Denzel Washington has been defined as a normal person, besides knowing the late Spanish sports news,-namely the basketball team – speaks broken some Castilian: “In my heart. .. I’m Spanish. “
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