Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sharp dizziness Ana María Matute – The World

the cycle is closed. First and last words. In late May 1947, the magazine ‘Destino’ published the first account of Ana Maria Matute, entitled ‘The boy next door’, written two years earlier. Young Ana Maria 17 years saw (he was for many years) running down that walk way to the kiosk to buy several copies of the magazine and was the jumping dizziness, excitement, joy of life.

This image has been recalled many times. Sixty-seven years after nearly exact, in late May 2014, the octogenarian writer put the last paragraph of the novel at hand, and in that paragraph, “the boy next door” curiously appears.

This time also felt dizzy, but it was not bright, but inward as a sink, and she felt her life slip away . He could not write anymore. The effort to reach the boy next door exhausted her and Chapter 11 was unfinished. Shortly after she was hospitalized and died three weeks unable to write any more online. It was not necessary. Cycle, but not the novel.

The novel is’ Family Demons (Destination), a book which was presented yesterday at the Cervantes Institute, its director, Victor Garcia of closed Concha, fellow of the Academy of the Language of Ana Maria Matute, who occupied the chair of K learned body.

In the event, in addition to the editors and the son of the writer, attended novelist Almudena Grandes and Mari Paz Ortuño, a professor at the Complutense and friend for 30 years, the novelist. She was the one who told the story of the magazine ‘Destino’, who lived and developing the latest novel by Ana Maria Matute, day to day,. The author was writing the text patiently in his typewriter, correct it by hand, always striking out phrases (you can see a few pages on the flyleaf of the book) and then passed Ortuño the computer. “I was just a typist. Did not even dictate. Wanted to write herself, personally.” Ana Maria Matute tried it for two years, but failed to finish the novel.

“According to the plan he had, he had two or three chapters. Lacked the outcome …” said the teacher. And how was that ending? “ was like the end of all his novels, not optimistic , but she said it was the only way I could finish the story.” And the story refers to its first titles: ‘Little Theatre’, ‘First report’, ‘The dead children’. In his posthumous novel, the Civil War is also present, but as a backdrop. The protagonist, Eva, the daughter of a colonel, leaves the convent and returns to the provincial town where he falls for someone who is not … do not follow.

“Eva Magdalena reminds me, the star of ‘The dead children’, my favorite work of Ana Maria Matute and a novel I always vindicate” confessed Almudena Grandes, “because I think the best novel that has been written about the war “

Great, who shared funny bowling and experiences with the deceased author, recognized the influence he had on his work and his life Matute.” His characters have been my galleries vital and literary mirrors.’m not be the same if his novels had not taught me to time who I was and where I lived. I read in my teens and that reading was instrumental “.

Victor Garcia de la Concha said the writer, at the Royal Academy, was like “a lost verse but nicely stitched” , and reminding Pere Ginferrer, author of the foreword, he commented that ” all the work of Ana Maria Matute is intensely real, without being realistic, and true without being true, because things, as she liked to say, are a little further than it looks. “

The death of the author (June 25 this year) not only left his last unfinished novel, but readers deprived of part (as long as the first) of his penultimate novel ‘Paradise uninhabited’, 2008 I thought the story to continue, but he got in between the dark ‘Family Demons’ world, a return to its origins, and the author was fighting for two years to writing and disease. At this time he suffered frequent dizziness that left her out of play, and the novel was about to be titled as: Dizziness, although in the end defines this word as only the second part of the novel . A novel that ends with a proper name. Mada

“Mada” said Ortuño, “is Anastasia So called his tata, a lady who was always present in his life and in his work.. His last words were a reminder to her. “

the end, and so did Ana Maria Matute, we always return to the top. You have to close the circle.


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