Tuesday, September 23, 2014

23.6% market share: the Spanish film succeeds at the box office – The País.com (Spain)

Dani Rovira, in a still from ‘Eight Basque surnames’.

In a year in which the film industry does not seem out of the hole, Movies Spanish sweep at the box office. This contradiction has been highlighted by film producers in its annual appearance at the Festival of San Sebastián. In a time when media movie budgets down by forced marches-in 2009 an average film cost about 3.2 million euros, which has dropped to 1.3 million in 2014, when money TVE devoted to the purchase of broadcasting rights has fallen nearly 40% over four or five years ago (now only intended for those purchases 19 million euros), VAT 21% devastates businesses and tax exemptions are far from agreed percentage between the industry and the government (30% desired stays for now 18%), the Spanish film lives the best year in its history with a market share that until last Monday, reached 23.6% (in 2013 it was 19.2%).

“The popular film has found its audience. We have removed the label españolada because the fact that it is popular and does not conflict with commercial quality “, said the president of the FAPAE Ramon Colom. They have examples like Eight Basque surnames, the film has raised hopes in the search industry with some spectators who had turned their backs for years. A film directed by Emilio Martínez Lázaro, excellent box office is getting The boy, Daniel Monzón is added, and is waiting for the latest brand new titles before the end of 2014 as fifth installment of Torrente, of Santiago Segura; Mort and Phil, directed by Javier Fesser; The minimum island Alberto Rodriguez, or [REC] 4, Jaume Balagueró. With this information, farmers rely on off 2014 at a market share of 25%, although the Ministry of Culture estimates that this figure could reach almost to 30%