Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ken Follett concludes its owners ‘Novecento’ – Online

For speaking the term novecento as he is alien; so, plus it was already taken, Ken Follett came not as a global title of his trilogy on the twentieth century that just ended with ‘The threshold of eternity’ (Plaza & amp; Janes). This last volume begins with the erection of Berlin Wall and concludes with its collapse. In between, the struggle for civil rights for blacks in the United States, the missile crisis, repression in Eastern Europe, the war in Vietnam … A cool thoroughly documented in whose creation – divination is weighed much more perspiration (methodical and constant work) than inspiration.

Nearly three thousand pages in seven years. Not bad as speed dialing. Not much pull in the bin, that must-have item for every writer worth his salt. . “No, but I checked and I correct much every morning I start reading what was written the day before and always make many changes ,” says Follett

The documentation has gone from visiting. a museum in Atlanta where photographs explaining the techniques of nonviolent struggle is (well, peaceful meanwhile, racist whites were anything but peaceful) of blacks claiming their civil rights to interview the real model of a female character to which, in the novel, impregnates himself President Kennedy. “I admire Kennedy, the president and his brother Bob, how they evolved and became interested in the issue of civil rights, which was not among their concerns at first. And admire how John challenged the Pentagon resisting pressure to send ground troops to Vietnam. Another thing is your sex life. I know that I describe as a sexual predator and in that sense, it’s hard to admire him. “

But, with all the bad sexual mores of President Kennedy, in addition to those resulting from anticommunism led them to practice and questionably legal wiretap terrorism Cuba directly, the worse off out across the land hemisphere. The situation in East Germany would make Kafka, had lived there and as the classical expression, have been a realist. One thing this purpose, provided by Follett: “ In the GDR was a police secret for every sixty inhabitants , in Nazi Germany was one for two thousand”

As for the Soviet Union, “its economic base was worse and more inefficient than their elders have told conservative critics. Sooner or later would have collapsed for one reason or another.” Another difference between the two great powers is expressing this joke Gore Vidal , which, given the theme of the novel, comes up in conversation with Follett: “Nothing is certain in the murder Kennedy, except one thing, if instead of having been he would have been killed Khrushchev Onassis would not have married his widow “



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