Friday, September 19, 2014

Antonio López work in “The Family of Juan Carlos I” to “the … –

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Madrid, Sep 19 (EFE) The painter Antonio López .- still working on “The Family of Juan Carlos box I “that has brought” a lot “, and will continue, Efe said, to” limit “, National Heritage display until the end of the year in a major exhibition at the Royal Palace in Madrid.

“I have yet to do things in the box and keep working maybe even twenty days, to the limit, until you take him to the exhibition,” said the painter, even though National Heritage considers that the picture is over.

Asked whether is happy with the result, Lopez replied that “at times” and reflect that high demand is that today went to the Royal Palace to continue ” working in the painting with a lot of enthusiasm. “

” The picture of the royal family has given me so much, I returned to human form “, stated Antonio Lopez.

Cree, however, it is very difficult to know if the box is a new contribution to figuration: “It is a very unique, unlike any other job,” said the artist

Table of King Juan Carlos and Sofia and their children was commissioned almost twenty years and after the abdication of the king has been renamed “The family of Juan Carlos I”, title which will be displayed for the first time in November in the exhibition “Portraiture in the royal collections” which prepares National Heritage.

This exhibition, also called “In Flanders Juan Antonio Lopez” made an extensive tour with very valuable works, the history of the portrait of the Spanish monarchs, from Isabella to this day.

On the canvas of the painter manchego, large, appearing King Juan Carlos and Sofia, accompanied by their three children. present monarch, Philip VI, and Elena and Infanta Cristina

Antonio Lopez has painted the picture from a photograph and this has been one of the great difficulties which has faced due to the lack of shade colors.

“You will leave -HA commented- a different work of which had been painted from life. But this picture could only be done from a photograph, the Kings could not have pose when I have needed it, I knew it from the beginning and I accepted. “

” I have done what I have ” he concluded


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