Sunday, September 21, 2014

Denzel Washington, on his arrival in San Sebastian: “I’m happy … – The Newspaper

Saturday, September 20, 2014 – 16.54 h

The actor Denzel Washington came to San Sebastian as star of the 62nd Donostia Film Festival and gave newcomer to talk. Washington replied in the Hotel Maria Cristina questions from reporters at a packed press conference alongside Antoine Fuqua, director of ‘The Protector’ , the film opens, out of competition, the Zinemaldia.

In this scenario, the actor said he was “very happy to be in the Mediterranean” , fueling confusion comments on social networks. The error could be due to the actor who knew Spain as a country of Mediterranean culture and, seeing the Cantabrian Sea on the shores of San Sebastián, believed he admired the Mediterranean.

The American, of humorous and delivered to the fans who were waiting at the gates of the festival, said he was satisfied with his career has since taken him “San Sebastian” and acknowledged that his career has been possible thanks to the “passion” that always demonstrated the public.

Washington received visibly moved the award in honor of his 25-year career since 1989 with ‘Glory’, which earned him the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor . It is the first time the Donostia Film Festival presents the award to a black actor. In his latest work, ‘The Equalizer’ , Washington plays a man set routine that altered his calm when a woman he shared hours of conversation in a coffee shop is beaten to death. Robert McCall (Washington) leave their routine life for revenge.


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