Monday, September 29, 2014

Lassalle promises more money, but settles the Patronage Act – The Digital Voice (Cádiz)

No enact this legislature expected Patronage Act. At least under that name. He acknowledged yesterday the Secretary of State for Culture, Jose Maria Lassalle, to confirm that the stellar management law is subsumed in the tax reform of the Ministry of Finance who commands Cristobal Montoro, in parliamentary procedure and perhaps enter into force in 2015. If that was the sand, the lime is on the increase under Culture in the State Budget that “fortunately is given for the first time in recent years,” and in the emergence of ‘crowdfunding’.

No Lassalle said the amount of the increase and anticipated today unveiled Montoro introducing in Congress a bill of public budgets for 2015, however, he noted how “for first democratized patronage in our country through the introduction of crowdfunding, with which the city may deduct 75% of the first 150 euros to devote to culture. ” “You will not have to be rich to be patrons: if that’s not a law of patronage that down and see God,” he said.

Lasalle eluded with repetition clearly specified that there would Patronage Act to name, and that the benefits of the decay law are measures of finance and justice in this area. “If we go into battle nominalisms, we can do,” he said to stop recognizing that “tax reform is the Law of Patronage.” “The sponsorship entails support tax incentives, deductions on income tax and corporation tax and that is a Law of Patronage,” Lassalle said after inaugurating the Meeting of Ibero Publishers in Madrid.

“In Spain there is a Patronage Act in force since the 90s and is now being amended. The Patronage Act are basically tax incentives and if the patron will not offer these incentives is called anything other than altruism or philanthropy occurs, “he said. “There’s a modification that makes the Ministry of Justice, which is facilitating the creation of foundations,” he added.


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