The Secretary of State for Culture, José María Lasalle, announced that “fortunately for the first time” will be an increase in the departure of Culture allocated by the State Budget (PGE) while patronage has confirmed that no will have its own law.
In this regard, he explained that the Law of Patronage finally divided between tax reform and regulation of foundations that prepares the Justice Department.
Asked about the future of this law and if will own name and surname, Lasalle has said that there will be sponsorship through tax incentives. “If we go into battle nominalisms, we can do it,” he noted.
In this regard, he clarified that the law is “basically” the presence of tax incentives. “If there are no incentives involving deductions on income tax or corporation would philanthropy or altruism, but not patronage,” he noted.
So, has indicated that will subsumed in the tax reform, because it involves touching taxes and is responsible to the Ministry of Finance. He also added that will be processed by the Ministry of Justice facilitating the creation of foundations, which will be a “package mainstreaming legislation patronage.”
“For the first time the patronage count in . Spain with the introduction of micromemecenazgo No need to be rich to be patrons: if that’s not a law of patronage, come down and see God “, underlined
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