Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Paco de Lucia, the myth and the man, in a documentary by his son – The World

Paco de Lucía died two days before filming the last scene of the film that his son, Curro Sánchez, was preparing for him. So ‘ Paco de Lucía. Search ‘is end a movie without , as acknowledged by the director himself. But this does not mean that the portrait of the great ‘guitarist’ missing parts or become lame. On the contrary, the Paco own the manager to tell his life and showing unknown facets of a man who presented himself as introvert and bitter, although deep down he liked “over the joke than a fool pencil” , as it takes care to make it clear at several points in his account at camera.

The film was just introduced in the Film Festival San Sebastian and other than statements of Paco and his brother, Pepe de Lucia has testimonies of those who made music with him, like Carlos Santana, John McLaughlin, Rubén Blades, Chick Corea and Alejandro Sanz , including other.

“I’m very new to this world, but being my first major project, I decided to look for opportunities to narrate things that had never been told of Paco de Lucia ,” explains his son . “In this case we gave the one hand, the issue of universality as a musician , with the testimonies of those colleagues of scenery. But trying to navigate the soul of Paco and deepen so tormented that mind , neurotic, perfectionist and lonely. “

Curro says that he and his sisters Casilda and Lucy , also driving the project, wanted to flee the “family or household documentary” and claim the intense sense of humor from his father. “Everybody has that figure Paco solemn and serious expression , such as Heritage that is, there seems to be given a reverential treatment. defined if something Paco was what he loved to laugh and joie de vivre of its people. If my father was alive was something in the art and humor , which for him was like most other art. “


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