Sunday, September 14, 2014

Samantha Morton suffered sexual abuse during childhood – Terra Peru

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September 13, 2014 • 22:39

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Samantha Morton reported at the time that was victim of sexual abuse, but authorities did nothing

Photo: Getty Images

  •  & # XF3 newsroom, n

The winning British actress Golden Globe, Samantha Morton, revealed that during his childhood was sexually abused by employees of orphanages in the city of Nottingham, where he spent much of his childhood.

According to an interview conducted by The Guardian Morton said that the authorities reported that two men sexually assaulted when I was 13. However, those responsible kept their jobs, while she was moved to another home.

Morton decided to go public with his story after learning that 400 thousand children were victims of abuse in the area Rotherham, between 1997 and 2013

The actress Oscar nominee twice told that he contacted recently with Nottinghamshire Police for records of his claims, but was informed there is no record of complaints of sexual abuse.

Samantha said that during his stay in foster homes, talked to social workers about the abuse he suffered, but none did anything.


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