Sunday, September 14, 2014

Empty net goal by Roberto Iniesta in concert … –

Madrid’s Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas crowded and an unusual punctuality, four hairy extremodureños ripped the chords elefánticos Alien , just before can be tiresome, mutated in Winter Sun , making that adhere mass hysteria.

The Manic still rose more temperature with Looking for a moon , and The path to the back door . The thing promised, but continued with the picturesque Mama YSU at least strange letter, which was a big letdown in the audience.

In fact already not recover the aforementioned intensity levels until after the break, mutating into ‘Extremoblando’ . For example, Calle Esperanza is not as pretty as a live disk, and is slow for a concert.

After the ‘Fourth movement’ came the traditional pause, and made clean slate The new group theme Roberto Iniesta best known as ‘The Robe’, Singing Frog , is not exactly a great song and also in quiet key. Yes did a good summary of Innate Law , adding new verses and sticking to the most exciting pieces, but still resulting music too dense for the occasion.

Amid all sound languor would giving time to admire the stunning and original stage and step reached its peak sound quality , which had been improving after the first few issues. The battery sounded (high box, as God intended), but some guitar phrases thunderous proved inaudible. Perhaps the technicians could not do better, given the room acoustics.

After the Fourth movement came the traditional pause, and made a fresh start. On return, Prometheus and Jesus Garcia were again transported to ecstasy . The rare but beautiful Poem Overwhelmed (very good point), and poly-rhythmic Suicide Tango (where it becomes apparent the under-use of the keyboard), are a nice transition to the dance section of the event.

So clown Standby (memorable and commendable clean guitar), Exit and Whore . Four Pillars of charge. Four hits . They even forced the machinery with donkey edge What Was My Valley , and give people what boats. Delightful.

A band is heard cohesive and seamless.

This has great responsibility Cantera, drummer, increasingly prefer how touch : forceful and uncompromising. A Iñaki “Uoho”, however, we have become accustomed to strength over the years, but so hyper-rocker style does not end squaring.

Why why none of ‘We’re animals’ and ‘Where are my friends’ The guitarist does very well what you want, but it is less original than, for example, Extreme guitarists predecessors, more modest . And hits less. It is therefore only necessary to put on a musical extension, which can become tiresome. However, as a composer and arranger former Platero itself looks very interesting.

With a sand and lime another, we reach the end of the concert and as icing, post-hippy anthem is Love and expands the soul , which capitalized on the best team I’ve seen lights in a concert, projecting verbal exhortation AMA, in huge letters. The summit of the show.

There was still another pseudo-utopian message, which is precisely The path of utopia , as final encore. And with that anthemic coda having , inevitably leads to the happy Rockin’all over the world , which is when the thoughts arise.

Why what Pedrá back only played three songs? Why none of are some animals and Where are my friends , with large discs are? Why, despite everything, the three hours flew by and peak-long show? Why, if there has been obvious drawbacks, left such a good taste

Perhaps because this group is much group. Any minor song Manic is usually better than any song in general , and the good are so many that do not fit. Three hours? Six would take

Robe once again have won, but it was very not be so hard to do good composer . Iniesta has scored another goal, but it was impossible not to the empty net.


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