Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Stones confirmed their historic free show in Havana – Jujuy at Time

The legendary British band confirmed that March 25 be presented for the first time in Cuba, at the Sports City of Havana, with a historic concert, as it is the first major rock band to perform in the island.

(Thelma) – As Telam predicted a week ago, the performance will take place at the Sports City of Havana, just three days after the historic visit of uS President Barack Obama, the country.

“we have played many special places during our long career, but this show in Havana will be a milestone for us and we hope it is also for all our friends in Cuba, “the band said in a statement released today entitled” the Rolling Stones free concert in Cuba Annuonce! ” ( “The Rolling Stones announce free concert in Cuba!).

The presentation of The Rolling Stones in Havana will be the end of his tour of Latin America, called” Olé Tour “which included large concerts in cities such as Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, and still has to go through Porto Alegre, Lima, Bogota and Mexico city, before landing in the Cuban capital.

the statement of the rock group said the event in Havana is possible thanks to the collaboration of the Fundashon Bon Intenshon, Curacao, which supports international projects in areas such as education, sports and culture.

the “concert for Friendship”, as they have baptized will be filmed for subsequent production of a documentary on the band tour throughout Latin America.

Since the US blockade on Cuba it was removed Mick Jagger said anxious because his band was the first of the great history of rock in play in Cuba, in what looked like a dispute egos with Bono, of U2, and former Beatle Paul McCartney.

entrepreneurs who handled the Latin American tour of the Rolling Stones acknowledged that the main reason why the group is not added new dates in any of the destinations stipulated for this tour was just confirmation of his performance in Havana .

Jagger initiated contacts with the Castro administration through the Bon Intenshon Foundation, but also traveled incognito to the island on a couple of occasions. He was accompanied by producers of the tour, who later returned to Cuba with Keith Richards, guitarist of the band, from the house it is in Jamaica.

A few weeks later the Cubans received last year visit bassist Darryl Jones and Bernard Fowler showgirl, invited by the Australian band the Dead Daisies. Upon his return, both reported Jagger and Richards fervor was in Cuba to see the band and also conveyed the desire of the Cuban authorities for the band to take action.

On that occasion, consulted on Fowler said that Cubans “can dream” to see the Rolling Stones because “dreams come true”.

in addition to the Stones, Cuban media say that this year local rock lovers also they will be able to watch live Sting and Stevie Wonder. Among the active participants will close this historic show was an Argentine Daniel Grinbank, responsible for all visits of the Rolling Stones to Buenos Aires, and had to travel to Cuba and participate in the recognition and armed with all the technical infrastructure for the show in Havana.

it happens that after the resumption of relations between Cuba and the United States, and the consequent opening of the island, the chances that a show of this magnitude occurs increased.

in this context, the Stones, but especially Jagger, seeking to add to its extensive list of historical professional achievements the fact become the first megaband operating in Cuba.

If you are in account the costs of production of this show and little chance of a large collection from

ticket sales, it seems that “Their Satanic Majesties” and U2 are the only two so-called “bands stadium” that could meet a commitment of this kind.

the possible presence of the band in Havana would resemble remembered concert given by former beatle Paul McCartney in 2003 on Red Square in Moscow, the epicenter of the former Soviet Union .

the obsession of Stones by playing in Cuba is the main reason why the band did not add new dates to the already scheduled for this Latin American tour.

as for the stage , from the outset they talked about different ballparks and even came to mention the possibility of a mega show in the iconic Revolution Square, but the Cubans said that site is only for politics.

in this context both producers and Darryl Jones and Fowler visited the Sports City, a huge dome located in the heart of Havana, which at that time won the tug of war over other scenarios mentioned as La Piragua, an esplanade near the luxurious Hotel Nacional, and Estadio Latinoamericano.

After the reports of the two members of the band, plus sent technicians and equipment producing, the band confirmed to the Sports City as the venue of the meeting and from so there was only set the date.

in its negotiations with front-line of the revolutionary government, Jagger was informed that between 20 and 23 March Cuba would receive the visit of US President Barack Obama but could also be the signing of peace between the government of Colombia and the guerrillas.

in this round of talks, and with the Stones playing in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, agreed the 25 date, which was finally announced today, after the Cuban government agreed to all the steps of the entourage of Obama then receive as large as the US official, as is the staff accompanying tour the Stones.

for instance, in the first two visits to the country, they had announced three dates and then added two more. With this background, local fans were hoping to see the Stones in a few weeks after their shows 7, 10 and 13 February at the Estadio Unico de La Plata.

Despite the wishes and efforts of local organizers, the “target Cuba” scuppered the possibility of adding new dates in Argentina and Brazil.


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