Monday, March 28, 2016

De Niro removed from his film festival against vaccines – El Universal

A documentary linking vaccines to autism was removed from the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in New York, following criticism of doctors and researchers.

The actor and founder of the festival, Robert de Niro, who has a son with autism, reported the decision after reviewing the documentary criticized VAXXED: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe , directed by Andrew Wakefield, along with other directors of the festival and members of the scientific community, notes the New York Times .

Wakefield conducted a study on vaccines and autism as a doctor that was published in the British journal the Lancet in 1998 which linked the vaccine measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to autism and in 2010 the General Medical Council UK galeno stripped of his license to practice medicine in concluding that it was a serious lack of professionalism. However, on the festival website it does not mention this or that showed that his articles were fraudulent.

The research conducted by the Council did not focus on whether the conclusions of Wakefield were correct or not but the methods used.

De Niro said in a statement that he intended to show the documentary, scheduled for next April 24, “it was to provide an opportunity for there to be a conversation on the subject, it is very personal to me and my family. “

he added in that statement that after reviewing the documentary the Tribeca Film Festival decided to withdraw” because we do not believe that it contributes to the debate I expected ” he said.

a spokesman for the festival, which is not identified, told the newspaper he does not know what led to remove the film De Niro, who since last Tuesday was at the center of criticism from scientists and doctors after announcing that the documentary will be presented at the popular festival, said the newspaper.

“Never before had asked that a particular film was scheduled, but this is very special for my family. Want there to be a debate and why we will show VAXXED “said the statement that the actor had previously sent to the media on the projection.

The Film Festival takes place from 13 to 24 April .


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