The struggle now remain on the big screen was built for decades in the comic strips
“Please never you pass through my skylight in middle of the night. probably scare me generate a stroke … And besides, big guy, I’m on your side. I always was. ” With those words, Stephen King, back in October 1986-and the 400th of Batman- took sides: he chose Batman over Superman. Thirty years later, neither the imagination of King could have created a world in which superhero films twice a month, where adults are released without a single comic at home expect to see in the movies, which fight the millennium, the founding duel genre: Batman vs. Superman
As in its beginnings in the comic Batman was a reaction (commercial) success of Superman (the Kryptonian appeared in 1938. Millionaire Wagnerian in 1939, ie, its tensions and obvious differences are intentional: Sherlock Holmes and Hercule one another; day and night), the duel between the two basal stones genre that involves the premiere of Batman vs. Superman: The origin of justice is an answer in itself. It is the way of Warner and DC, owners of the characters, to enter the multibillion-dollar films of superheroes, recreating the idea of a shared universe and ever-expanding (key to successful idea and the survival of the super in magazines). Marvel is ahead: it had to Iron Man, hedonistic and canchero, as kickoff of the success that our grandmother made even know who the Avengers
How seeks to distinguish DC.? It is clear in the film Zack Snyder: tapping the aura and the imprint of Batman Christopher Nolan (which in turn expanded the darkness, preschool today, the films of Tim Burton on the character). Nolan’s Batman not only won an Oscar (posthumously to Heath Ledger for his Joker post-punk) and millions at the box office, but restored the supremacy of overcast over Superman and all superheroes: a film with men in tights could get with the real world. At least in the way that a paramilitary vigilante wearing a suit with bat ears can. While Nolan Batman polished, DC tried to Bryan Singer, director of the films of the X-Men, reinvigorate the footsteps myth and using the invincible song of John Williams of the films 70 and 80. First supertropezón.
Still, Nolan-Batman operation again attempted with Superman in the man of steel (2013, Zack Snyder), to lead to a confusing and confused film, he needed to appeal to cheap philosophies about power, create analogies between Superman and Christ and also add the action scenes CGI passes a tank of Hollywood calls. Superman then beaten, battered by imitating their eternal best friend / enemy, ended in this cinematic duel just released, where again a morally confused character and parameter allegories about absolute power.
apparently the kryptonite of Superman film is the condemnation not let it be the light that was always in the genre. A search for cracks in your person rather than use his myth, his energy. Not only in the film is given the victory of Mr. Bruce Wayne and his rogues gallery (are the most anarchic and ferocious, from the Joker Ledger to Danny De Vito Penguin). In February, the best-selling comic in the United States was The Master Race # 3 (second continuation of a baticlásico), and Superman, in a separate title, just is number 44 of sales. What happened to the Man of Tomorrow? Why Batman seems to capture better in the last 30 years audiences
Grant Morrison, writer in love with both and creator of several masterpieces of Batman, has an explanation: “Superman began as a socialist hero but Batman is the ultimate form of capitalist hero? In a world where wealth and being a celebrity are the measures of success, it is no surprise that the most popular heroes, Iron Man and Batman, are both beautiful magnates “. In other words, humanism Superman, his optimism, Batman faced cynicism His psicótico- factor, have a clear winner in the second.
Both have had serial during the 40s, cartoons ( is classic Superman of the Fleischer brothers in the 40s and in the 90s it was the Batman from Bruce Timm), soap operas, containers merchandising, fighting against Hitler (during the 40s were paradigms of propaganda and the status quo American) and were camp in 50. There were no differences between them: both were naif absurd. In an adventure in common those days, Superman gives her powers to Batman, who used to beat, literally, the town hall (under the spell of a sorcerer who does dress like a buffoon).
it was in the late 60s where his divorcing destinations: Batman becomes a go-go thanks to the famous series with Adam West, while Superman clings to its values, which begin to become nostalgia. In 1978 Superman comes to the movies with the iconic face of Christopher Reeve, the first film that would predict unwittingly how superheroes come to the cinema today.
80 Batman he gets two heads Superman was the decade in which the cartoons “hit a growth spurt” intellectual with titles like the return of the Dark knight (1986), where Batman and Superman fight to lay fist, and Year One (1987). Two stories that shaped the matrix and modes Burton Batman (Michael Keaton with perfect); Nolan with Christian Bale final, and today Snyder right next to Ben Affleck. Superman, at least for the general public, does not have key pieces in tone to the rereading of the hero in the eyes outside gender (for connoisseurs itself has several masterpieces as heir to the sci-fi and superaventura).
Batman vs. Superman at least have a clear winner. Before a duel is a mirror of what is read, enjoyed and thought-or is forced to read the present- the favorite toys of several generations. That is the batifondo of the matter.
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