Friday, March 18, 2016

Study reveals gaps in tomb of Tutankhamen – The Universal

CAIRO Studies with radar and infrared rays to the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, held in November last year and led by expert Hirokatsu Watanabe revealed two holes behind the north wall of 1.5 meters in diameter and two meters deep, approximately.

in addition, radiographs of the tomb showed that exists in the north wall another hole that could be a gateway to the space behind it, and had been covered with a material lighter than the rest of the walls of solid stone.

Mamdouh Eldamati, Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, said yesterday at a press conference in Cairo that his team is sure that 90% this could be a confirmation to the hypothesis of British archaeologist Nicholas Reeves, who considered that there is a camera undiscovered in the tomb of Pharaoh and behind it could reach the burial area of ​​queen Nefertiti (stepmother of Tutankhamen), but also considered that could house the mummy of queen Meritatón (daughter and wife of Akhenaten, father of Tutankhamun) or even the mother of the child called it faraó, Kiya.

Eldamati also announced that
results of this analysis are still in doubt and therefore Egypt will hold a second scan
next March 31 hoping to confirm the speculation.

to date, the young king still arousing great interest among researchers and fans of Egyptian culture and is one of the main attractions of the country.

the Egyptian Museum is guarded the treasure of pharaoh whose tomb was found, still sealed without loot, in 1922 by, which was recently restored and reopened to the public British archaeologist Howard Carter.

This is in the valley of the Kings in Luxor, in southern Egypt, and has a burial chamber, an anteroom and the treasure room.

If confirmed the hypothesis of the tomb of Nefertiti, would be a major discovery for Egypt.


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