Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Shakespeare believe that his skull could be stolen from his grave – Daily Mail

An investigation by a group of archaeologists has concluded that the tomb in which lie the remains of British playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was “probably stolen” skull of the writer, reports today the BBC.

that finding would lend credibility to a story published by a magazine in 1879 , but later discarded, which shuffled the possibility that trophy hunters would have been the skull of Shakespeare in 1794.

the expert group used a penetrating radar earth (GPR) to investigate the content inside the burial at the Holy Trinity church church of the English town of Stratford.

That system allowed the archaeologists to see beyond the grave without disturbing it.

“we have the grave of Shakespeare with a strange alteration in the part of the head and have a story suggesting that at some point in history someone came and skull Shakespeare was,” said archaeologist Kevin Colls, English Staffordshire University, who carried out this project with geophysics Erica Utsi.

According to the expert, is “very, very convincing” that the skull playwright “is not in the Holy Trinity at all. “

the research, which was conducted in conjunction with the 400th anniversary of the writer’s death, will air next Saturday at the TV channel” channel 4 “.

the burial place of Shakespeare has long been the subject of speculation among historians and archaeologists because it is too short to be the tomb of an adult.

in addition, it it is not type a name, but only an epitaph: “Good friend, for Jesus, refrain from dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed be the man who respects these stones and cursed to remove my bones “.

The investigation also established that the playwright, his wife Anne Hathaway and other relatives were not buried in a family vault, as I thought, but did so in separate graves, not very deep, located under the church.

in addition, the GPR also found no evidence of metal in the area of ​​the graves, as would be the screws of a coffin, . what made you think the experts Shakespeare and his family were not buried in coffins, but they could be buried wrapped in sheets, shrouds or buried in earth EFE

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