Friday, March 18, 2016

Tutankhamen’s tomb hides two secret chambers –

Egypt are safe “90%” that the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen still hiding secret treasures: a radar has located two empty spaces behind its thick walls, where they could hide the grave of the legendary Queen Nefertiti or another sovereign.

This discovery reinforces the thesis of British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves, who is convinced that there’s mummy and treasure of the mysterious Nefertiti, queen of legendary beauty who exerted a fundamental political and religious role ago for more 3,300 years with her husband, the Pharaoh Akhenaten.

the Egyptian authorities are preparing to announce “the discovery of the century”, had assured the Minister of Antiquities, Mamdouh to Damati, when the study began Tutankhamen’s tomb, located in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor in southern Egypt.

However, despite this finding, the Egyptian official hopes to find the burial chamber of another wife of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun’s father or one of his daughters, before that of Nefertiti.

“We have two rooms behind the west wall and the north wall of the north chamber of the burial chamber of Tutankhamen” announced the Thursday Damati in Cairo, revealing the results of the study with radar carried out by the Japanese expert Hirokatsu Watanabe.

“we are confident in more than 90%,” said the minister, adding that at the end of March complementary analyzes with a “more sophisticated to measure the thickness of the walls and the dimensions of these cameras,” radar will be made. The results will be announced on April 1.

For Reeves, the driver of this research project Egyptologist, one of the two chambers is the Hypogeum (underground tomb in archeology) Nefertiti. The other could be a living unexplored storage “data visibly” era of Tutankhamen

Nefertiti, wife of Akhenaten -. Who became temporarily monotheistic ancient Egypt to impose the exclusive worship of the Sun God , Aton, was not the mother of Tutankhamen, whose identity raises many questions.

-Materials’ orgánicos’- metal and
Why so influential queen would have been buried in the tomb Tutankhamen? According to Reeves, after the sudden death of Pharaoh at age 19, after a reign of only nine years, the lack of a tomb itself would have forced priests to open the tomb of the wife of his father to bury the boy-king the hypogeum, although in principle was not meant for him.

on Thursday, the Egyptian minister revealed the presence of “metallic and organic materials” in two secret rooms, cautioning, however, that this does not implied the presence of mummies.

Contrary to the tombs of other pharaohs, who have been ransacked in almost all the Tutankhamen kept more than 5,000 intact objects 3,300 years old, many of them in solid gold, when it was discovered in 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter. It is thus one of the greatest treasures ever discovered old.

The discovery of an inviolate tomb would be an unexpected gift for Egypt, which seeks to revive a key sector such as tourism for its economy, hampered since 2011 by political instability and jihadist attacks.

the coup de grace came in late October, with the attack on a plane chartered Russian Sinai claimed by the Egyptian branch of the jihadist group Islamic State (EI), a drama that killed its 224 occupants.

In an attempt to bring back tourists to the land of pharaohs, the Egyptian authorities launched later that month an ambitious project called “Scan Pyramids” to discover secret chambers in the heart of the pyramids of Giza and finally clarify the mystery of its construction.


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