Monday, March 21, 2016

Hernández-Diez presents its “disturbing” works – EntornoInteligente

Weather / The “disturbing” pieces of Venezuelan José Antonio Hernández-Díez took the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona (Spain), in the first monographic exhibition of the artist in city ​​entitled “fear no evil” and for which he has rebuilt his first experimental video works. These works, articulated around death, consciousness and resurrection, are put into dialogue with a new project, created especially for this exhibition, “filaments” which, according to its author, “must be understood as a conceptual eco” . However, what occupies the central space is “Saint Guinefort” a provocative installation whose protagonist is a stuffed dog, which lies in a transparent display case as an incubator. It is a work of 1991, based on the legend of Saint Guinefort, in the French region of Dombes, who have long worshiped a greyhound, whose master killed believing he had killed her son.

Hernandez-Diez exposes his works disturbing ?? ??

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Francisco Velasquez PDVSA Petróleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA), through its gas subsidiary and its Japanese strategic partner Inpex, incorporates 80 million cubic feet of additional gas to the domestic market, with the commissioning of the compression system on the ground “Copa Macoya” located in the municipality Jose Felix Ribas, Guarico state.

TAGS: Francisco Velasquez Francisco Velasquez PDVSA

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