Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Jorge Edwards in the VII International Congress of the Spanish Language –

Jorge Edwards has just released his latest novel, ‘The last sister’ (Cliff, 2016), he is a full member of the Chilean Academy of Language and in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was one of the masterminds responsible inaugurated the VII International Congress of the Spanish Language (Intensive Spanish), shortly before Philip VI, the present King of Spain, read the official text of the opening.

the Chilean writer of 85 years is recognized by works like ‘the weight of the night’ (1965), ‘the stone guests’ (1978), ‘the imaginary woman’ (1985) and ‘the origin of the world’ (1996). In addition, he won the Cervantes Prize in 1999, the Planeta Prize in 2008 (among several other awards) and has been a columnist for various newspapers such as Le Monde in France, Corriere della Sera of Italy, La Nacion of Argentina and La Segunda of Chile.

Edwards spoke to TIME this of our language, of its unity in Latin America and its strength for the future.

Edwards, 2016 CILE special guest on this occasion, which chose as its theme “the Spanish language and creativity” – is also optimistic declared a cultural world of our Spanish language deep <. /> p>

said in his keynote address at the seventh International Congress of the Spanish language, here in San Juan of Puerto Rico, who sees with optimism the evolution of the Spanish language. What do you mean time?

I see with optimism because it is a very strong language because, at bottom, in its unity, is greater than any other. And I say this because, you see, for example, Brazilians and Portuguese are not understood, have communication problems and have to make separate translations; and the English and Americans, say the same. We, indeed, have a language nuances, but people have good will and understanding. So it’s a great opportunity for language, for Latin America, it seems to me, basically, it goes a little better.

Do you say in every way?

Yes. It seems to me already about peace in Colombia; It is a very strong country, intellectually creative and interesting. Chile is a plaintive country to which he is getting more optimistic; because yes, there are problems, but basically are not so great. The new stage of Argentina is very interesting and full of possibilities; It was the great editor, reader and cultural center this side of the world and I think it will come back. We will always have problems, we are a very complicated country, but I am an optimist about the cultural world of the Spanish language.

Do you think that today in Latin America speaks good Spanish?

is there no good Spanish. Good Spanish is spoken Spanish and allows us to understand and retains the basic structure. It is said that we Chileans utter evil and always say the best Spanish is the Colombians, but in reality, all Spaniards are equal but different.

What is the great capital of the Spanish language today?

Today is the possibility of communication means huge political, economic, cultural and all order possibilities. They are practical and tangible, because it seemed that Spain was in the world of illusion and is now Spain is becoming a world with more sense of reality, more ‘sanchopancesco’ a little less ‘quixotic’, but with a sense of reality that does not exclude the imagination and fantasy. And that’s good.

To where will our language if we take into account that a large part of communications between us are given through social networks where, by the minute, so many incredible outrages are committed to the language?

I prefer to ignore social networks. I care much more mental networks and connecting tissues of our speeches.

Two days ago he released his latest novel, ‘The last sister’ (Cliff, 2016). Is there no better contribution to the tongue to keep writing?

There are 380 other pages. A novel I’m taking in Santiago and now will take in Madrid and Barcelona. It is a story of a Chilean who during World War II saved Jewish children and became an extraordinary heroine, to the point that is part of the ‘list of just the state of Israel. That story, I know thoroughly because it was a relative of mine is that I have written now.

How definitive is holding a Congress of the Spanish Language?

Well, man …! A congress of the Spanish language does not change the language, finds things, consists and, of course, will not create languages, but establishes certain communications that are very important

What should be the great discussion that should be given about the Spanish language?

I believe that we, the Spanish speakers, we have an intellectual curiosity and we have a great chance, but you need to read more, you have to know more, and must be respected more. We sometimes have problems feelings of inferiority, and securities, and all that, and you have to overcome it once, now! But that is becoming civilized countries. It turns out that developed countries were developed countries because, at some stage of the nineteenth century were the most educated in the world. Then we have no one to become educated countries.

Do you agree with Carlos Fuentes when he said the Spanish language is a kind of instrument of “peaceful revenge ‘of the 50 million Hispanics living in the territory of the United States and speak Spanish?

it’s a rematch. It’s a rematch in a way … It is an important, interesting and very strong revenge.

Are you and agreed with the proposal made by Gabriel García Márquez in Congress language in Zacatecas ‘spelling retire’ in Spanish?

that was a fun idea, but it does not seem to be a practical idea. It was a complicated idea that even tried to Andres Bello and gave up that idea, the idea of ​​spelling changes. Instead it was proposed to construct a grammar that was solid and to save the language, because in Chile, for example, was beginning to speak in a way that was not Castilian. Andres Bello saved it. But with spelling, the truth and not get anything.

Magazine Chief Editor BOCAS

* Special Guest to CILE 2016
San Juan, Puerto Rico.


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