The elusive street artist Banksy could have been unmasked by mathematicians. The technique, known as geographic profile , it is used by police forces to reduce lists of suspects calculating, based on multiple crime scenes, could where to live the suspect.
the researchers used the location of 140 works of art by Banksy in London and Bristol , in the west of England. Writing in the Journal of Space Science, they said the works “are associated with sites linked to a prominent candidate”: Robin Gunningham , previously identified by media as Banksy
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clarified that the study is not decisive but that” does provide some support to the theory that he is Banksy “. spokeswoman artist did not immediately return a request for comment on Friday
satirists decorated with templates artist (rats, kissing policemen, riot police with yellow happy faces) first appeared in walls of Bristol and then spread to London and the rest of the world. His works have sold for up to $ 1.8 million at auction.
the researchers said their detective work “demonstrates the flexibility of the geographic profile.” The main writer, Steven Le Comber , a mathematical biologist at Queen Mary University of London, said the technique had uses beyond criminology, and calculate where an epidemic begins. “During the outbreak of malaria in Cairo, we found that if we used the addresses of people with malaria, we could very easily find mosquitoes were spreading the disease,” he said.
Le Comber said the hunt Banksy suggested that the geographic profile could even be used to track terrorists before they commit an attack.
“Some terrorists use graffiti, posters and pamphlets to establish its credibility,” Le said Comber. “One could potentially use the pattern space panfleteo to identify the location of terrorist cells”
Jill Lawless (AP)
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