Friday, February 5, 2016

“For me, the director is king”: Leonardo DiCaprio –

Leonardo DiCaprio has all fish sold. It is hard to imagine another winning an Oscar for best actor. If there was any doubt, it was erased with the applause of hundreds of performers stand and reward him after Saturday for his role in The reborn. Her first Screen Actors Guild Award, as it could be the Oscar. Yet this Californian 41, born in Hollywood, refuses to talk about a statue that has eluded the other four times he was nominated. And he turned his back when his career came to fame with Titanic: the film won the most nominations in the history, but he did not chose to Oscar. “It’s a step in the right direction,” he gives the country after his last victory. He does not speak of his career but what recognition means to the reborn and film. “We have not seen anything like it. And television live such a good time at the movies need something so visceral, let the audience appreciate our art, “she elaborates. “No longer movies as before and the reborn is the answer true. Hopefully serve as an example to follow because I love the environment and want to keep making movies. “

It was not an easy film. The director, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, led his team to the limit to tell the story of a nineteenth century trapper left to die after being attacked by a bear. “As Alexander says, the pain stops and film remains”. It was an existential journey, on the screen and beyond, a story of survival and revenge where he was interested in the poetry of the character. “Told with silence. still he wanted less dialogue. I said a lot of nonsense in my career, “he jokes, with over 25 films to his credit. “It was a work guided by instinct, where you live through the eyes of the protagonist. They are the catalyst of the story and its appeal “.

DiCaprio’s eyes shine with the same intensity as his character, making clear his passion for cinema. The same as that felt when a child loved Taxi Driver, or any film David Lean, with whom he dares to compare the reborn through “the epic scope and intimacy of characters who breathe in your face”.

Blood and violence

also they bleed and die in a work criticized for its violence, which could even cost the Academy Award for best picture. “I’m good star in films loaded with violence,” he recalls alluding to his work with Scorsese. “But the reborn is the perfect fusion of violence and beauty that nature offers us.” And it was brutal shooting himself, who for more than six months had the team in the worst weather conditions in the mountains of northern Canada and the land at the end of the world, Ushuaia (Argentina). At 27 degrees below zero, DiCaprio recalled that her hands were always on the verge of hypothermia, only resuscitated “octopus”, a machine with eight tentacles attached to a giant dryer where heated.

Actor is more reserved about revealing how it is shot the bear attack, part of the mystique of making films, and prefers to talk about other rituals of its director, as the spiritual blessing that began each day filming or care detail. “For me, film director is king and the reborn is around seventy.” It is also a return to the purest DiCaprio, adolescents who learned to love the cinema watching movies. The reborn was the biggest risk of his career, only comparable with that it took 17 years, when he made What’s Eating Gilbert Grape “I was offered a lot of money for another movie but I preferred to wait. I am very proud of that decision. “

By Rocío Ayuso / El País


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