It was a “Herculean task”, said the actor ( “Hotel Rwanda”), who has co-written, funded, directed and starred in this biopic. It all started because a family member of Miles Davis announced in 2006, during the ceremony in which the musician was hosted in the Hall of Fame Rock and Roll, the only thing you could put on the skin of Davis was Cheadle.
Kansas actor accepted the challenge and built a biopic without resorting to the usual formula to rebuild their lives, but focusing on two parts of his career. A first between 50 and 60, and another in those years of creative silence in the late 70
Cheadle, displaying your film out of competition in Berlin, wanted to investigate how someone as prolific, someone who was instrumental music, remained silent so long.
His music, the actor said, “gave me a kind of canvas on which to paint the story.” I did not want a film about Miles Davis, but “they feel like it.” Cheadle explores creative freedom inspired by the avant-garde music of Davis, perhaps the best trumpeter of the twentieth century and essential figure in jazz.
“Davis’s music is the soundtrack of my life,” said Cheadle, who played saxophone and small learned four years ago to sound for the film.
Despite his lack of experience behind the camera, Cheadle (Kansas, 1964) was prepared for his first film as director practicing with some episodes of television series, but also widely talked with directors I he has worked as Steven Soderbergh.
And while recognizing that throughout the film just enjoyed a couple of times as a director, does not rule out return to repeat the experience.
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