Saturday, February 27, 2016

Oscars: what a good host should not do – La Nacion (Argentina)

We go over jokes failed, awkward moments and drivers of the ceremony to forget

After his debut in 2005, Chris Rock will host the Oscars awards. For that reason and because we care about your performance, you prepare a list of what you should not do (and even what should not repeat) in order to get away from this terrible test. We wish the best of luck and we’ll be covering the minute by minute the ceremony to see if you meet and approve a delicate mission!

1. No sin boldly with jokes

We start with the main course: the jokes. Why Because out evil can spoil the whole evening: the jokes. Closer or farther away from the limits, jokes are often the key to successful delivery of the Oscars. Sure, it is a treacherous terrain because the limit of the “sensually daring” to “terribly unacceptable” is markedly more subdued and a host wanted to ride (unsuccessfully) the waters of the politically incorrect. At a ceremony in which he speaks to so many different people, joking with some sensitive topic can be a kamikaze mission. And as a kind of cynical Icarus to the core, in 2013, Seth MacFarlane caught fire when he flew too close to the sun with that joke in which referring to the performance of Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln he said: “However, I would say that the actor really got into Lincoln’s head was John Wilkes Booth” and before a timid applause that even included boos, Seth upped the ante by saying: “it took 150 years and it is still too early , do not?”.

So our message to Chris Rock is:! please beware of jokes because in 2005 there were several who failed …

2 . Do not waste the time of the gala

While this item is not necessarily decision of the host, it is clear that he (or she) is the one who should know how to maneuver those segments monologue, at times, stretched over the account. The duration of the Oscars is usually relatively flexible, since the fifteen minutes that lasted the first gala in 1929 to 210 minutes average has today (not to mention the four and a half hours Whoopi Goldberg led in 2002). In this sense, perhaps it had to accept the toughest challenge was the great Jerry Lewis. In 1959, the director faced a heated moment when the show ended earlier than expected and was the need to improvise twenty-minute monologue, culminating in a totally spontaneous musical number. Sure, it was Jerry Lewis and things did not go so bad, but obviously the duration of the show can be a conflict for the host, you should go with a good pair of improvised jokes in case you need to make time.

3. Not be part of a tuple

A good host should be able to avoid the need for a partner. While the first edition had two drivers (Douglas Fairbanks and William C. Demille), the pairings were never the key to success at the Oscars. In 2010, the Academy wanted to try his luck with Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin and although this experiment went relatively well, the next year things changed color. Flushed with back to that formula, makers of the evening armed themselves an impossible combination: Anne Hathaway and James Franco. The brink of collapse over and over again, the couple had so little chemistry, it really seemed they had met on stage. To make matters worse, erratic actor’s presence was like a one-man show in one in tandem.

Many times that night were downright inexplicable and jokes inevitably die before an audience that was uncomfortable about three hours and the absent smile. While Hathaway and Franco have charisma to splurge on that evening of Oscar, the duo failed so miserably, that probably never the Academy again use this little formula.

Another failed duo at the Oscars was in 1958 when Donald Duck (?) was one of the hosts with Bob Hope and David Niven. A strange experiment, which also gave the best results.

From yapa. By the way, the experiment Oscar Franco and Hathaway had its counterpart in our Martin Fierro, because in that year the hosts were Mike Amigorena and Natalia Oreiro, who showed even more how terrible it may be lack of chemistry in a pair. The bold decision to bring these actors also failed, mainly because Amigorena (like Franco) seemed to be totally committed to a personal comedy while Oreiro was engaged in the arduous task to keep up.

4 . Do not dive into a musical if not necessary

A good host Oscar knows he can not be afraid of ridicule. Moreover, you should probably do know that papelones front of the most important artists of that industry. For this reason, it is that drivers can not doubt and must dive with enthusiasm to whatever the writers propose you. In these terrible trials only the brave triumph while the lukewarm lost in the cruel tides of embarrassment. Unfortunately, the list of failed events is endless: from the presentation underpants Neil Patrick Harris last year (a joke without grace) to own David Letterman making a very zonza joke about how Uma and Oprah names were half fools while artists saw their dignity was lost at cruise speed. Let’s consider: the hosts become acrobats without a net, forced to accumulate or circumvent a failed joke after another

And if failed moments speak or scenes frankly invited us to reflect on the good judgment of the people responsible for the Oscar, impossible not put in the first place to the music of Rob Lowe and Snow White. Perpetrated in 1989, this show fifteen minutes was by far one of the most psychedelic moments of the awards, even a fatal victim claimed: the budding career as an actress Eileen Bowman (who made Snow White), that after this presentation he did not return to Hollywood or to make extra.

in the street, and in the tiny group of hosts protagonists of musical achieved is Hugh Jackman, who in 2009 put claw adamantium to the presentation of the ceremony.

5. Not ignore the lesson of teacher Billy Cystal

After the disaster Hathaway and Franco, responsible for the Oscar preferred to play it safe and called his most faithful soldier: Billy Crystal, comedian who undoubtedly is the ideal host. Responsible for having led the gala nine times (but not more than 19 Oscar that made Bob Hope), Crystal is the host to which everyone should watch. He owns a correct but precise humor, with just enough grace to criticize without inconveniencing, being an artist who understands the court in which plays and knows transgress from a subtle place, understanding even how to play with the public variadísimo who is in provision.

is obvious: the golden rule of any host should be “always look at him”, so the advice for Rock, basically, is to do nothing that would do the great Billy . Crystal

Yapa: not to let anyone get your prize

in 1973, Marlon Brando won the Oscar for his portrayal of Don Corleone in godfather . Brando, who in those years had embraced the cause of Native Americans, sent in place Sacheen Littlefeather a representative of the people. By winning the Oscar, she rose and not only rejected the award on behalf of the actor, but that was dispatched with a speech about how Hollywood abused and distorted in the movies image of Native Americans. The auction of the matter? Sacheen intended to be an actress and wanted to add some beans with this move (bad move) and to top it off, then discovered she was only half native. Yes, gave several minutes of discomfort that will be remembered forever

In this note.


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