Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Eagles of Death Metal concert in Paris resumes interrupted by jihadists 13-N – euronews

Eagles of Death Metal resumed last night in Paris the concert that was violently interrupted 13-N, when 89 people were massacred in Le Bataclan in full action of the American rock band.

Three months later some 2,000 people attended an emotional concert at the Olympia. Many survivors of the massacre and relatives of the victims, who were clothed by psychologists.

“89 seconds of silence, please. Take a moment to remember and then go back to the fun, “said singer and guitarist of Eagles of Death Metal, Jesse Hughes.

The lead singer had declared that for them was” a sacred trust “finish the concert interrupted on November 13.

Although the repertoire last night did not include ‘Kiss the Devil’, the song that was playing when jihadists attacked Le Bataclan.

“We realized there were many people on crutches, I guess they were people who were injured during the attack in November,” Andre, an American living in France, fan of Eagles of Death Metal said.

The concert was for some kind of collective therapy.

“It was great. We were there on Nov. 13, so we’ve put a little sad. We all cried a little. Has been very nice, “said Julien, a survivor from Le Bataclan.

Eagles of Death Metal resumed his international tour last weekend in Stockholm.

In a few months back to Paris, and who wants to be the first group to take the stage at Le Bataclan, when it reopens later this year after renovations.


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