Sunday, February 28, 2016

JJ Abrams makes it clear: “Star Wars have gay characters, superadlo” – Gizmodo in Spanish

J.J. Abrams makes it clear: & quot; Star Wars will have & # XE1, gay characters, superadlo & quot;.
image. Disney

Star Wars : the Force Awakens has gone down in history not only as one of the most successful films of all time, but his effort because the cast is as inclusive as possible. His two protagonists are, in fact, a woman and a black. Now, J.J. Abrams has announced that it will go further in future installments

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The statements come from an interview The Daily Beast . When asked specifically about the two main characters and the scene between Poe Dameron and Finn that made rivers of Internet buzz, the director expands: “When I speak of inclusiveness that represents the film is clearly not leave out gay characters. Of course “

Technically, it is not the first time that gay characters appear in the series, specifically on the novel by Paul Kemp Lords of the Sith with the character of Moff Delian Mors and on the novel by Chuck Wendie Aftermath with Sinjir Rath Velus and Esmelle Wesley. Abrams continues:

For me, the fun of Star Wars is the glorious possibilities. So it seems very short-sighted and counter-claim that can not be a homosexual character in that universe.

It is a step, perhaps, towards the goal of a day the mere fact that one of the most successful and respected franchises in film history decide to include gay characters is not news. [Via Daily Beast]

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