Wednesday, December 9, 2015

They found another Mona Lisa and they believe it may be of Da Vinci – Clarí

An Italian researcher claims to have found in Russia similar to “La Gioconda” box and ensure that this work has elements that make it compatible with works by Leonardo da Vinci, although it clear that at the moment is only a hypothesis.

Silvano Vinceti, which has promoted this year in Florence search for the remains of the woman who could be a model for the “Mona Lisa”, today told EFE that received the call in 2011 a Russian tycoon who turned to his expertise in this area to investigate the origin of a painting from his private collection. “We were commissioned in 2011. This magnate, which I can not name, contacted me for us to go to St. Petersburg and did a test on this table,” he recalled.

The picture is a female figure much like the Gioconda portrayed by Da Vinci in the early sixteenth century, but in this version the woman appears between two large columns, as in one of the preparatory drawings the work attributed to Leonardo.

Read also: Unveil the mystery of the Mona Lisa’s smile

Vinceti said that, after studying the work by various techniques “are multiple indicators that evoke the great Tuscan genius” but he noted, “it is a hypothesis.”

“All elements derived from this long and fascinating adventure of research available to anyone. Personally I would simply say that the possibility that it may belong to the hand of Leonardo and a disciple is a hypothesis worthy “also said in a statement.

To outline this theory this Italian expert has used a “long and articulated research” that, in his view, has offered several tests.

La Gioconda, at the Louvre

The tests found the Italian expert

First, an infrared ray examination “has shown the This drawing full compatibility with the period in which Leonardo performed his works of art. ”

In addition to this alleged Gioconda compared with a preparatory drawing of the original work kept in the Louvre and attributed to Leonardo by Carlo Pedretti, considered one of the greatest connoisseurs of the life and work of Da Vinci.

The comparison between the “Russian Gioconda” and said cardboard was “full overlap” between the two works, which also coincide in some features, such as the presence of two columns, the youngest age model and on her upper lip.

Third, the model found in Russian painting of the Mona Lisa and the Louvre have darker hands the face, a feature reminiscent of “chiaroscuro techniques that only Leonardo dominated”.

For all this scholar argues that “there is the possibility that Leonardo may have made a” Gioconda between columns ” unknown to most.

Vinceti confessed lack of certainty about the authenticity of the painting and stressed that “these elements founded a possibility.”

“I do not say it another Gioconda of Leonardo. I say that all these elements provide the basis of a possibility (…). Surely they are all very interesting and highly intriguing indicators that show a series of coincidences they can it be casual or attributable to Leonardo, “he declared.

Vinceti is an Italian promoter who chairs the National Committee for the Recovery of Goods Historical, Cultural and Environmental a private association which states as its aim “to solve puzzles related to great characters” Italians.


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