contrast between the life of the middle class and luxury Pompeian Roman traders can be seen today in Pompeii , the best preserved Roman archaeological site, thanks the reopening of six of its “domus” recently restored.
“There are six ‘domus’ (house) that will surprise and excite because they allow you to discover small details of everyday life that are now preserved and show that Pompeii may be a different experience each time they visit, “said Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, during the opening ceremony.
” Now you will see with new eyes and discover Pompeii different elements not It used to the beauty, do not fall for that, to get used to beauty, “he said.
The restored houses are Fullonica di Stephanus, the House of Criptoportico, Casa di Paquius Proculus, House . the Sacerdos Amandus, the Fabius Amandio and dell’Efebo House
To discover and be surprised by these houses, those responsible for this gem considered World Heritage since 1997 have organized two tours: one guide tourists through each “domus” and another that allows access to the Amphitheatre and the Gym Grande.
Visitors can admire the frescoes painted with the famous “red Pompeian” in mythological scenes and struggles gladiator decorate walls of rooms, hallways or classrooms, but also surround stunning mosaics covering the entire floor of a room and look out the windows connecting with the interior gardens.
The House dell’Efebo by example, was a majestic building “could have belonged to a wine merchant”, according to officials who manage the complex of Pompeii, and imagine that allows wealth and luxury which then enjoyed family lived there.
Just one of the most interesting elements of that place is the large interior garden pergola had sustained on four pillars, which are still preserved, and the interior was decorated with polychrome paintings.
La Casa del Cryptoporticus, however, owes its name to a vast hall with large windows that facilitated the entrance to four thermal environments, while the “domus” Fullonica di Stephanus, one of the most important places in the life of the Pompeians It was used for washing clothes and as cleaners.
But the public also know how was the lifestyle of Pompeian middle class thanks to the Casa di Fabius Amandio which had two floors and the upper one large balcony overlooking Via dell’Abbondanza (Way of Abundance).
The restoration of these “domus” had an investment of more than three million euros (3.2 million dollars ) and is part of the “Great Pompeii Project”, announced under the administration of Mario Monti in 2012 and intended to curb landslides in the archaeological site.
The project has funding of 105 million euros (114 million dollars), of which 78 million (85 million) come from the Fund for Regional Development of the EU (ERDF) and 27 million (29.4 million dollars), the Italian treasury.
“It is important to preserve the environment Pompeii because it is a World Heritage Site, not from Italy but from all over the world,” said Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini.
Thanks to this European funding will be possible to return to Pompeii its luster and greatness to leave behind the image of abandonment by the unstoppable destruction that has shown for years and then be a rich testimony of Roman life of more than 2000 years ago.
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