Thursday, December 31, 2015

Touching choice: “refugee” Word of the Year – The Reason (Argentina)

The Urgent Spanish Foundation held its 2015 balance and elected as word of the year at a very poignant: “refugee”. Select the entity responsible for the view that, while this term is not new, has marked itself decisively current information 2015.

“The concept that defines the word ‘refugee’ has generated many doubts and discussions between media professionals, as these have been well aware of the importance of being extremely rigorous when referred to the thousands of people fleeing a war against those who seek other opportunities elsewhere of life in his not found, “said the CEO of BBVA Fundéu Joaquin Muller.

And he added: “The interest shown in this term and the many questions of journalists who have come to the Fundéu asking for clarification also reveal the concerns of these professionals to write with rigor and precision.”

“We believe that ‘refugee’ meets the conditions we asked the word of the year: it has been in the news and conversations in 2015 (it is very likely to remain so while the causes trigger the flight of millions of people from Syria, Iraq, Libya and other countries do not stop) having some interest from a linguistic point of view and is a common term to all the Spanish-speaking world, not only own a country or region “he said.

” Use specific words to narrow the reality is a first step to interact effectively with it, “says Fundéu BBVA, which, in this regard, said that” refugee “is one that” He is forced to seek refuge outside their country as a result of war, revolutions or political persecution. ”

The term “escrache” was chosen in 2013 and “selfi” (adaptation to the Spanish spelling of the English word “selfie” without “and” final) in 2014.


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