Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Beatles albums are available “on line” – El Universal (Venezuela)


Thursday December 24, 2015 12:00 AM

New York .- Starting today, the 13 Beatles records, including and Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club , Revolver and Abbey Road , will be available on the most popular services streaming .

“Merry Christmas, with love,” said the band’s website (http : //, using a term (“Crimble”) popularized by John Lennon to describe the festival

The music reproduction services that include online catalog of the “Fab. Four “are Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play and Amazon Prime Music, it was confirmed on the website of the English band.

channels streaming take years immersed in legal pulses with the music industry and broadcasters, as the songs recorded before 1972 are not covered by the laws of the United States federal property, but the bands and record companies sought protection and royalties in state law.

The representative of The Beatles also fought long disputes, especially Apple Inc., and had postponed the release of his music services streaming . His fear is that his valuable music catalog could be devalued by selling individual songs or by a potential increase of digital piracy.

“The Beatles are the most iconic band in history of music and its catalog is the most requested by our subscribers around the world, “said Rudin Ethan Financial Officer Service streaming Rhapsody International.

Unlike artists like Adele, Coldplay and Taylor Swift, who decided not to provide some of his singles in the free versions of online channels, the music of the Liverpool band will be available at no additional cost to its users, said Re / code.

Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are the only two remaining members of the band, which broke up in 1970. Lennon was murdered in New York in 1980 and George Harrison died of cancer in 2001.


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