Journalists take pictures in the old Casa di Paquius Proculus, one of six restored and opened to the public in Pompeii, Italy sites. Photo: AP
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Rome! Italy. – Tourists in ancient Pompeii are newly restored to admire wonders, including a house luxuriously appointed a merchant and a more modest middle class housing
A business where the residents of Pompeii were buying fabrics and a structure with thermal bath areas are also among the six sites open to the public on Thursday, he said the news agency AP.
In recent years Pompeii had been plagued by labor disputes that closed the doors to tourism and the collapse of some ruins, amid the chronically underfunded for maintenance.
But Prime Minister Matteo Renzi expressed optimism at the unveiling of the restored ruins in the city destroyed in AD 79 by a volcanic eruption.
“We made news with the collapse now make news with the restoration “he said.
well preserved mosaics and frescoes vivid colors are restored sites in the extensive ruins near Naples.
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