Friday, December 18, 2015

7 Star Wars: Han Solo, Kylo Ren, King and sing the main theme of the movie! (Video) –

Although George Lucas tried a little over a decade, it will be in 2015 with the help of a new director to achieve two generations together through the seventh episode of the saga’s most famous fiction of all time, The War of the galaxies. Advances let us see that the villains will be worse than ever, but also that the original characters will draw their best to save their planet. In melty we have informed about major spoilers for the film, the new cast members, among a ton of data about the episode 7, but it’s time to relax before the long-awaited premiere and enjoy a fun time sponsored therefore the original cast (except for Mark Hamill) and was broadcast Tuesday night in the Jimmy Fallon show …

This format produced by Jimmy has had guests such as Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, among others, but it is the cast of ‘The Awakening of force’ who manages to thrill the audience up to match each actor as low or high notes, according to the character they play , so we have to Adam Driver singing the song composed by John Williams – and of course we will see in the film while Surrounded by troopers, all reference to his character, Ren Kylo villain. Harrison Ford closes the video and film star; although we can not help but notice the look of Carrie Fisher, who disapproves ‘note’ with who is ending his partner in fiction. ‘The awakening of force’ arrives in Mexico midnight on November 16, what do you think the interpretation of the cast? For more information on the film, subscribe to the


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