MADRID Just over a year after the perpetrators of the Madrid Reina Sofía announced that this institution had bottomed out, the museum is about to achieve his record of visitors, when nearly 3,100,000, and has achieved a 30% self-financing.
Its director, Manuel Borja-Villel, accompanied by Michaux Miranda, deputy managing director, today told the media that the museum is experiencing a “moment quite happy “in a very different meeting of September 2014, in which he even spoke of” turning off the light “.
To Borja-Villel is especially important so far in 2015 almost has been able to overcome the mythical number of visitors achieved in 2013 thanks to the exhibition devoted to Dali, in a year in which they have combined a type of exhibitions aimed at different audiences.
“The idea is that, as a public service, the museum all the people is addressed. The fact that even combining popular with others that are not exhibition visitors has been increasing seems especially important. “
In this join line programming for next year remains, in which you can also see a retrospective of Mexican Ulises Carrion, the first monographic in Spain Remy Zaugg Swiss plus sign Damián Ortega in the Crystal Palace.
As highlighted major exhibitions to be organized in collaboration, among others, the Pompidou in Paris and the Tate in London, on the Cuban painter Wilfredo Lam.
also stand out on samples Txomin Badiola and the great retrospective organized with the MOMA in New York by Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers.
Under the title “Enclosed field. The Spanish postwar art 1939-1953 “will review the complex 40s, with works by Max Aub, Joan Brossa, Cape, Eduardo Chillida, Antoni Clave, Dalí, Julio González, Josep Guinovart, Gutiérrez Solana, Jardiel Enrique Ponce, Maruja Mallo, Millares, Palazuelo or Tàpies, among others.
By the end of next year, the Reina Sofia will debut its contemporary collection, with works between 2000 and 2015. 90% of the they do not have never seen in the museum, and many of them are recent acquisitions.
Furthermore, in regard to the collection tank Pierre-Louis Letaillieur be expanded and a room will be created dedicated to photography from donating Carlos Perez Siquier.
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