Thursday, November 12, 2015

The enjoyment of literature – The Democratic

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Agencies. Madrid In a context where every day two bookstores in Spain and 55 percent of people never or only sometimes read are closed. – According to a report of the editors, bet literature is a challenge. Fernando Savater (San Sebastian, 1947) has been subjected, once again, to incite reading. His latest work, on illustrious writers, Here live lions (Debate) is an approach to enjoy the classics. It is a test for everyone, but with a focused look young. “Because this world – of literature’s also up to them,” said the philosopher Wednesday. “The idea was to make some biographies of exceptional writers in his work and normal in their lives,” he said. And he did.

On Wednesday afternoon was to present at the Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid which Savater billed as his last work. He did accompanied by writer Jon Juaristi, who valued and volume. “It’s a great book. More than a manual on literature, a book to zoom in and enjoy it, “he added. Both Miguel Aguilar introduced them in a relaxed atmosphere: “Today we have something unusual: a Bizkaia and San Sebastian together to talk, and it appears that will end peacefully.” Joked the editor

For an hour in a room full of familiar faces-they were the writers Carmen Posadas, Vicente Molina Foix and Felix de Azua, and politicians and Andrew Herzog Rosa Díez (UPyD), among others, the author recalled the trips he made during production of the book with his wife, now deceased, Sara Torres. Both seemed to him essential travel the spaces inhabited by the protagonists of the book. To “better understand them” to draw on stories. “I thought that was controlled, but I found, for example, US President Abraham Lincoln, one of the first enthusiasts Poe, wrote a detective story writer style”.

defines Agatha Christie its work for the crimes and decency, Edgar Allan Poe portrays him as the chronicler of horror, while Alfonso Reyes, Gustave Flaubert, William Shakespeare and Ramon del Valle-Inclan also harvested a good dose of anecdotes look very visual. Thus, the texts are interspersed with images, illustrations and comic strips. “While the previous book Travel with genius addressed the television aspect, this makes up for the cartoons,” Juaristi said. From the poetic language of Valley, at the foot of a tomb; to a fun Flaubert at the opera, each character has its own comic spin, as well as several images that contextualize the environment in which they lived.

Indeed, the variety of destinations where lived and who nurtured their lives was what led to Savater and Torres to choose these characters. If many famous intellectuals and artists lived alone in London and Paris, not so much these characters. At eight they characterized them their itineraries, to which the philosopher and his wife tried to keep up. “She took care of everything, wrote a large dossiers with information on the players and so we were going to nail it,” said the philosopher.

The book, presented eight months after the death of Sara Torres, it is the last thing the writer write, as declaróen an interview with this newspaper. While he says that conforms to bring a little more that wonderful world of literature. “The idea is that you read it and either go running to the bookstore to buy these authors, or come to the store of trips to visit these places. Everything is to promote brand Spain, of course, “he joked, causing laughter among the audience

Source:. El País

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