Sunday, November 29, 2015

Camera can detect hidden in the tomb of Tutankhamun | Peru Trade – Trade

The results of the first studies in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Luxor indicate the existence of ‘something’ that could be an empty chamber, said the head of the Department of Antiquities Egypt Mahmoud Afifi.

“So far, the main result is that there is something, although it is still unknown, behind the eastern part of the north wall of the tomb “Afifi said.

The official explained that in an earlier study at the tomb of the sons of Ramses II, the scanner showed very similar to that obtained now in the tomb of Tutankhamun result . Then it confirmed that it was hidden cameras behind the walls.

However, he warned that to make sure that the same is true in the case of the tomb of Tutankhamun , “expect” the analysis of the data, according to the expert will be studied in Japan.

For his part, and l Minister Antiquities Egypt , Mamdouh Eldamaty, said the test results and scans show a 90% (of certainty) the existence of a gap behind the north wall of the tomb, indicating the existence of a camera, which has not yet been discovered.

According to a letter of Eldamaty, “so far has not taken any steps to work inside the tomb Tutankhamun ” .

The authority insisted that the procedures to be taken not decide “until the end of the study results and the details recorded by radar and infrared devices within the grave.”

This data will be analyzed by the Japanese expert in radar Hirokatsu Watanabe for one month in order to develop a plan to ensure what exactly is behind the wall.

Eldamaty explained that the work plan within the tomb will be announced immediately after the expert conclude its work.

The possible entry

The head of the Department of Antiquities of Luxor said , although the results demonstrate the existence of hidden cameras under no circumstances touch the walls of the tomb polychrome Tutankhamun .

“There are other ways (to access the alleged hidden camera), we can try to enter from outside or from the side cameras, but the camera never (funeral) of Tutankhamun will sound “then remarked Waziri.

” By the research and discoveries may reveal one of the largest and most important discoveries of archeology, “said the minister.

The Egyptian authorities began a series of analysis and infrared scanners to try to detect if there is a hidden camera behind the walls of the tomb of Tutankhamun , as suspected British archaeologist Nicholas Reeves. The specialist had observed some small cracks in the walls of the tomb, which correspond to a sealed door.

Tutankhamun briefly reigned during the fourteenth century BC, still very young, and died suddenly.

His tomb was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922, it contained a priceless treasure intact. Now it is kept in the Egyptian Museum and, with his grave, is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the country.

According to various scenarios, rich walls of the tomb of the young Pharaoh could house the tomb of Nefertiti, the queen Meritatón (daughter and wife of Akhenaten, father of Tutankhamun ) or Kiya (mother of Tutankhamun ) .

Source: EFE


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