Saturday, November 28, 2015

A secret camera along to hide Tutankhamen Nefertiti – Los Andes (Argentina)

Analysis carried out with a radar in the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun suggest that there is a secret chamber where, according to some experts, could be the mummy of the legendary Queen Nefertiti, wife of another former pharaoh Akhenaten, or its daughter.

Experts 90% sure that there is a hidden camera, announced yesterday the Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, the Damati Mamdouh, who warned however that it is “preliminary” results you have to wait a month to confirm them.

For the British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves, who attended the same press conference that the minister, the new analysis shows that “the tomb continues, as I had predicted.”

To Damati, Egypt awaiting “discovery of the century” in the tomb of Tutankhamun, whose discovery was, according to the minister has said, “the greatest cultural discovery in Egypt in the history of mankind”.

To Damati, confirmed its existence, the secret chamber may contain the mummy of Kiya, a lesser-known wife of Pharaoh that preceded Tutankhamun, Akhenaten, or Meritatón, daughter of the “heretic pharaoh” considered as a precursor of monotheism.

Meanwhile, Reeves defended his hypothesis that in the secret chamber would be the hidden tomb of Nefertiti again. The two, in any case expected to confirm the existence of another burial chamber in the tomb of Tutankhamun, discovered on November 4, 1922.

Today, Egyptologists have found the mummy of Nefertiti a legendary beauty queen who exercised a major political and religious role in the fourteenth century BC with her husband Akhenaten. This pharaoh temporarily became Ancient Egypt to monotheism, imposing the exclusive worship of the sun god, Aton.

According to Reeves, the wall of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun paintings could hide two doors, whose existence he had never been suspected

One of the two doors could lead to an “original owner inviolate burial chamber of the tomb of Nefertiti.”. The other would lead to a “storage chamber unexplored” that “would date apparently” the era of Tutankhamen.

A lack of available for Tutankhamen tomb, clerics decided to open the Nefertiti, who died ten years back to inhumarlo there, according to Reeves.

However, Zahi Hawass, former Minister of Antiquities and expert in ancient Egypt, said that “Nefertiti could never have been buried in the Valley of the Kings” .

“participated in the worship of Aten, Akhenaten with for years. The priests had never authorized that’s buried in the Valley of the Kings, “he said.

Hague whatever is in this possible secret chamber, Damati said to be opting for a way to” get to the behind the walls. ” “We have to do it without damaging the grave or tomb paintings,” he said. Archaeologists could reach this camera in “three months” or more.


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