Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What are the differences between HIV and AIDS? – Azteca News

Mexico, DF.- The news that Charlie Sheen is a carrier of the HIV virus, shocked the world, but it is necessary to clarify some differences about having AIDS .

What is the HIV

HIV (acronym) is the HIV. It is a virus that attacks the immune system, weakening system and, therefore, decreasing the body’s ability to defend against disease or infection called “opportunistic”.

What is AIDS?

AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is the stage of HIV infection characterized by the appearance of symptoms of diseases called marker, ie, those that are typically associated with the progression of the infection to degradation immune system.

What is the difference from HIV and AIDS

Often we hear about HIV and AIDS as if they were synonymous, but, having HIV does not mean you have AIDS. Being infected with HIV means you have been exposed to the virus and it is not definite that will develop the disease. It can remain without symptoms (asymptomatic carrier) long. It is critical to note that with the advancement of new treatments can live healthy lives with HIV life.

AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV infection in the presence of symptoms that occur when the immune system deteriorates and ceases to function effectively, develop opportunistic infections and / or marker because it has lost the ability to defend the body to fight against various disease-causing agents.

How does the virus?

HIV enters body through the bloodstream and like any other virus, can not survive independently, but must do so within a cell.

HIV is unique to invade and destroy the CD4 lymphocyte subset of white blood cells, responsible for directing the operation of the entire immune system. Within the lifoncito CD4 virus to destroy it starts playing, transmitting genetic information so that new cells instead of defending the individual cells to be destroyed were created to defend.

Thus, as the virus reproduces, the body becomes increasingly vulnerable being diminished defense capability in the presence of other diseases.

How do you know if someone is infected with HIV

The only way to know for sure if someone is infected with HIV through a blood test in the laboratory.

There are three possible outcomes:

– You do not have the HIV
– What is in the window period or seroconversion.
– Very rarely, a person can have HIV but have produced antibodies. In these cases we must consider, as mentioned above will be the doctor in charge of determining the final diagnosis.

Meaning of a positive outcome

Positive or Reagent: Presence of anti-HIV antibodies indicates that the person is infected with HIV and can pass it on. It means she is HIV positive and not who is sick with AIDS. The analysis can not detect how long the virus has been in the body, ie, the test determines if there was contact with the virus, but not when it was.

How airs HIV

infection HIV occurs through three unique modes of transmission:

sexual transmission – Through penetration without a condom
Blood Transmission. – intravenous drug users who share needles or other contaminated instruments
Vertical transmission (from mother to child.) – A woman infected with HIV You can transmit the virus to child

The most important thing is education and knowledge.; the information is a prime tool.

With Ecuavisa information.


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