Monday, November 30, 2015

Woody Allen, 80 years old master of cinema that does not rest – The Herald (Colombia)

His glasses and his distracted eyes are already so iconic in the world of cinema as the bowler Charlot or skirt of Marilyn Monroe, but Woody Allen does not arise retreat to comply morning 80, but blow the candles locked in the preparation of her new movie and a TV series.

The New York genius of small obsessions, brilliant dialogue and surreal gags, has little to show at this point after a long and acclaimed film career surmounted with masterpieces of drama and comedy as “Manhattan” (1979) and “Hannah and Her Sisters” (1986).

But, apart from his talent as a writer and director, Allen is also admired for its torrential creativity and perseverance of his career, which make it almost in a “sick” of cinema, able to keep nearly half a century in active (his first film “What’s Up, Tiger Lily?” is 1966) and deliver at least one film every year since 1982.

“Everything you create in your life is going to evaporate (…). So my conclusion is that the only way to cope is with distractions, “he claimed Allen this year at a press conference at the Film Festival of Cannes, where he said that for him” making films is a wonderful distraction. “

After presenting in 2015, “Irrational Man”, a smart, sparkling house brand with Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone in front, Allen comedy and has advanced the production of his new film next year, still untitled but will feature the role of actress Kristen Stewart (“Twilight”).

Blake Lively Beside her, Jesse Eisenberg, Steve Carell and Parker Posey appear, among others, to shape the cast of a film whose plot is kept secret, but that it is known was shot in Los Angeles and his favorite city and its cinema usual postcard, New York.

But if something has recently called the attention of show around the figure of Woody Allen is preparing a project to Amazon with which he landed in the world of television in 2016.

“It’s a catastrophic mistake,” Allen in Cannes to talk with characteristic irony, the difficulty of developing a series comprised of six half-hour episodes that can be seen exclusively on the Amazon Prime Instant Video in the US, the UK and Germany

“I hope not to disappoint Amazon, but I’m not good at it, I see many series, I do not know what I’ve done. I hope that is not the most embarrassing thing I’ve done in my life, “he added on a project shrouded in mystery, neither the cast nor the argument is not known.

It is usual that Allen does not concern himself with too much importance, demonstrating a carefree sense of life as if trying to remove merit, as he pointed to the American biographer Eric Lax in the book “Conversations with Woody Allen” (2009).

“My objective perception ‘said the filmmaker Lax- I have not accomplished anything artistically significant.”

“I think he went that I have not made a real contribution to cinema, compared to others my contemporaries as (Martin) Scorsese, (Francis Ford) Coppola or (Steven) Spielberg (…). I’m just a clever guy from Brooklyn and Broadway has been very lucky. “

However, it is undeniable that his figure has already become an icon of cinema, a place where creative merge and character and where it is difficult to discern whether the eccentric tics, existential doubts and obsessions with sex, religion or love are fruits of their imagination or reflection of his personality.

Winner of four Oscars and 45 feature films to his credit, Allen awards will keep coming, as the recent vote of the Hollywood writers’ union (WGA, for its acronym in English), which proclaimed “Annie Hall” (1977) as the funniest script film history ahead of “Some Like it Hot” by Billy Wilder, and “Groundhog Day” by Harold Ramis.

Nevertheless, it seems that Allen does not think about retirement and remains committed in filmmaking, with brief but specific interruptions to play the clarinet and touring with the New Orleans Jazz Band, while watching the passing of time with its unique and fun way to understand reality.

“When you get older, the word ‘legacy’ always comes up, “Allen said in the book of Lax. “But I personally have no interest in it, because I firmly believe that putting your name to a street when you’re dead does not help your metabolism.”


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