Actor Vin Diesel, who has been the star of the film series ‘Fast & Furious’ said the next installment in the action movie and powerful cars will be “dark” in anticipation of a transformation in the history of runners of street cars, he published ‘Variety’.
This is because the distributor Universal confirmed that the new film will be directed by F. Gary Gray, who was in charge of the ‘Straight Outta Compton’ tape.
“We have a director who will bring more darkness and help increase the character of each of the characters,” said the actor, who worked in 2003 with Gra in ‘A Man Apart’.
‘Fast & Furious’ has become a saga that has generated billions of dollars at the box office, and is part of a group of films like ‘Star Wars’ and ‘The Avengers’, the mass produced very successful sequels and prequels.
“We are certainly in discussions on how to further expand the franchise,” said Donna Langley, president of Universal Pictures. “It’s a great deal that has a great future and potential for growth.”
This has meant that, despite the loss of its star, Paul Walker, the franchise ahead with his eighth film in the series and on the other hand, it has allowed other players have been included, as Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”.
“The story took a different path that allowed us to overcome the loss of Paul on the scene, one way very powerful, “Diesel said.
Following the death d d eWalker Universal considered the cancellation of the series, but managed to resolve the situation through digital effects and body doubles.
However, the number is still growing in audience. It was the first film to generate more than one billion dollars and benefited from the growth of foreign markets such as China, where he managed over $ 390 million.
The saga is planning at least three more films before Millionaires records that have had their predecessors. bogus=”1″
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