Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ida Vitale picked yesterday poet Reina Sofía prize – Herald Tribune

  Madrid. EFE. The Uruguayan Ida Vitale, who yesterday received the Queen Sofia Ibero-American Poetry Prize, began to write poetry “leave” of this genre in his house, and curiosity that led him to a trade, the writer, who never thought have “consequences beyond the happiness that involves writing”.


 The Uruguayan poet, 94, attended the Royal Palace of Madrid to the presentation of his anthology Everything is suddenly nothing. He says he “would not dream” I had thought to receive the award. His announcement caused surprise: “I was totally asleep and thought it was a joke,” recalls fun


 “One never expects to empathize with a country, much less expect an award like this,” he said.


 All of a sudden … is an anthology that includes poetry and prose, unpublished as natural leaves and reflects painter and nighttime accidents.


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