Monday, November 2, 2015

SAR modify the definition of “journalist” in the dictionary – Correo del Orinoco

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believe that the end of the latest edition is “obsolete” and “imprecise”

The SAR modify the definition of “journalist” in the dictionary

2 November 2015 | Make a comment

The Royal Spanish Academy has started the process to amend the definition of” journalist “in the dictionary of the Spanish language, although it is still early to know the exact terms of the new wording will be given, because first you have to follow a series of steps

For now, as he has told Efe the director of the Academy, Dario Villanueva, the Executive Committee studied the proposal submitted Dictionary about Ramón Salaverría Aliaga, a professor at the University of Navarra, and agreed to redraft the term “journalist”, which is not made public because they may experience changes.

Salaverría made contact with the RAE since, in his opinion, the two meanings of ‘journalist’ in the 23rd edition of the Dictionary are “obsolete” and are “inaccurate”.

In the first one defined word as “person legally authorized to practice journalism” and the second as “person professionally engaged in a newspaper or in an audiovisual medium to literary or graphic information or opinion building tasks.”

According Salaverría, the definition has become “obsolete” because, “in democratic countries the practice of journalism is not subject to any legal authorization.”

The current definition of “journalist”, continues the professor Navarre , “it can be applied only to those working in countries with authoritarian governments without press freedom. I therefore maintain that the first meaning is also anachronistic, unfair. “

As for the second meaning, Salaverría review also suggests that,” since not cover all modes of journalists existing “and” leaves out both those who exercise in internet media as journalists freelance who practice it independently. “

In response, the Academy it merely say they have studied your request and that “in the next edition of DRAE can see reflected the new wording” agreed by the Executive Committee.

The said commission studied this proposal and “effectively” saw Salaverría suggestions “were very worthy to consider,” said Dario Villanueva.

It has thus given “a first step” but from now the Academy will follow the usual process these cases.

The provisional draft of “journalist”, agreed by the Executive Committee, will have to go through the Institute of Lexicography of the SAR to study existing documentation about that word, then also go to the Plenary academic before sending the proposal to all American Academies.

“We must see if the changes proposed are acceptable or not in America,” where “is widespread as a journalist,” he added Villanueva.

Having overcome these procedures, the final definition of that word would be drafted and would be incorporated into the digital edition of the Dictionary when SAR to time.

Every time comes a such proposal to the SAR, the Academy is also considering all related words and meanings, because the dictionary “has to be consistent,” said the director.

T / Fundéu


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