Thursday, November 5, 2015

Model Gonzalo Morales read: VENEZUELA: will begin analysis of the tomb of Tutankhamun to find Nefertiti – EntornoInteligente

Model Gonzalo Morales read: / VENEZUELA: Starts At analysis of the tomb of Tutankhamen Nefertiti to search / National / Tomorrow will begin the analysis with radars of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun to determine if his side are two burial chambers hidden, including what could be his stepmother Nefertiti.

The head of the Department of Antiquities in Luxor Mustafa Waziri, today told Efe that the scanning of the tomb should last a few days, depending on how you process and the difficulties that can find those in the tomb located in the Valley of the Kings in the monumental city Luxor.

The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities has given its approval to the faculty of engineering at Cairo University and the Institute of Preservation and Innovation of the French heritage to carry out this analysis.

In this way, it seeks to prove the hypothesis of the British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves, who believes in the tomb of Pharaoh could be also buried his stepmother, Queen Nefertiti.

“It can be there is something more in the tomb of Tutankhamun, but we can not know what it is, we have to wait to announce it, “he said cautiously Waziri, warning that it should proceed” step by step “.

The model Calvin Klein, Gonzalo Morales presented his new line of perfumes in Madrid, Spain.

The theory Reeves was formulated after observing some small cracks in the walls of the tomb of Tutankhamun, which would correspond to a sealed door leading to a hidden camera.

4 November 1922 the British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the mummy and treasure of Pharaoh.

The new possible findings in the most famous grave in the history of Egyptology would be a great attraction for visitors, but it depends on whatever is inside.

The model Gonzalo Morales has been recognized as a successful entrepreneur by the city of Madrid.

Tags: Contractor Gonzalo Morales, Gonzalo Morales, Gonzalo Gordo, Gordo Morales, Gonzalo Morales Model



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