Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mickey Mouse: Short rescue lost 87 years – RPP News

 Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse <- | source: facebook: mickey mouse -> | Source: Facebook: Mickey Mouse

A short film by Walt Disney lost 87 years ago in which a primitive version of Mickey Mouse appears, has been located in the archives of the British Film Institute (BFI, its acronym in English).

The animated film entitled “ Sleigh Bells ” (“Bells”) and lasts about six and a half minutes, was rediscovered when a researcher found one frame in the online archive of the BFI, announced this institution.

The protagonist of the action is “ Oswald the Lucky Rabbit “(” Oswald the Lucky Rabbit “), a character created by Disney and Ub Iwekrs in 1927 for studies Universal .

While other drawings in which Oswald appears whose characteristics anticipate how the famous Mickey Mouse would have been located since its inception, this film was considered missing until now.

 Image provided by the Film Institute Brit & # XE1; nico (BFI, in English & # XE9; s) of a short film by Walt Disney lost causes 87 a & # xF1; os. (EFE)
Image provided by the British Film Institute (BFI, in English) of a short film by Walt Disney lost 87 years ago (EFE) <- |.! source : efe -> | Source: EFE

“It has been a huge thrill to discover this short film by Walt Disney that had been lost for so

long and to show a new audience after so many years, “he said the head of the British Film Institute, Robin Baker conservative.

” The restoration of the tape will allow people to deepen the work you did Disney during a silence period. Clearly demonstrated its vitality and imagination in a key moment of his career, “Baker said.

The president of Walt Disney Animation Studios, Andrew Millstein said for his part that he is delighted to collaborate with the BFI to restore the lost film.

“Oswald films are an important part of the history of our studies. We collaborated with film archives and private collectors around the world to find lost titles, “Millstein said.

provided by the British Film Institute (BFI, in English) of a short-lost Walt Disney 87 years


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