terror, magic and fantasy of the 47th International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia held in Sitges (Barcelona) given start this Friday and will run until October 12 with a screening of the latest production of Jaume Balagueró, ‘[REC 4] The Apocalypse’, in an edition that will be dedicated to the world of dream and myth.
A few hours of starting, the festival has already sold more than 36,400 of the 100,000 tickets available for sale, other than fertilizers –equivalentes 10,000 entradas– have informed Europa Press event.
Balagueró, which is closely linked to the event debuted its first delivery –because precisely Sitges–, close the ‘Rec’ saga Friday with a film very similar to the first, but not to the same viewers.
In addition to the screening of this film, the first day will feature the premiere of the short Rodrigo Cortes ’1.58′ sponsored by Gas Natural Fenosa, which has the support of Gabino Diego and Julia Otero.
The star of the day will be the German director Roland Emmerich, alma mater of titles like “Independece Day ‘,’ Godzilla ‘,’ Anonymus’ and ‘Tomorrow’, which will land in the coastal area to receive the Grand Honorary Award at the inaugural evening festival, which will kick off a nine-day film ‘non stop’.
Among the most prominent titles, Sitges receive the latest films of Jean-Luc Godard, ‘Adieu au langage’; ‘Maps to the stars’ by David Cronenberg; ‘Alleluia’ by Fabrice du Wellz; ‘Cold in july’ Jim Mikle; ‘Under the skin’, Jonathan Glazer; ‘Burying the former’ Joe Dante ‘Automaton’ with Antonio Banderas, and ‘Musrañas’, produced by Alex de la Iglesia.
Asian cinema will be present in the hands of veteran Miike Takasi with ‘Over your dead body’ and his latest film ‘The Mole Song’ and ‘Dark Awakening’ producers ‘Ring’; ‘Han Gong-ju’, Sujin Lee; ‘One on one’, Kim Ki-duk; ‘That demon within’, Dante Lam, ‘Aberdeen’ with Pango Ho-Cheung, and ‘A Hard Day’ by Kim Seong-hun.
Catalan production will be championed by Sergi Caballero with his proposed three Russian dwarves ‘distance’; ‘L’altra border’ by André Cruz, Ariadna Gil, and ‘Asmodexia’ Marc Carreté.
The Director the contest, Angel Sala, has said this week that the festival presents the ‘wider programming genre cinema “of the moment, promising laughter, suffering and humor from the hand of zombies beavers,’ serial killers and vampires away repeated clonally change perspective with new themes
“It’s impossible to see everything: you have to be a la carte.”, lamented this week Sala, who has invited viewers to organize a “selfie ‘programming to everyone’s taste, as the contest goes to many audiences.
Among the “interesting roster invitees” stand Roland Emmerich, Antonio Banderas, Takashi Miike and Joe Dante, who will be at the closing by the octogenarian Actor Dick Miller, who will receive an honorary award.
With 1.7 million budget –a 2.5% over the past year– the festival features contributions from the Ministry of Culture euros– -407,000, -190,000 Sitges Town Council, over 300,000 of expenses incurred in the pública– route; ICAA –90.000–, the Provincial –5.000–, Policy Linguistics –8.000–; -185,000 sponsors, the main Natural Gas Fenosa–, and a forecast of own revenues 644,000 -.
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