Friday, October 10, 2014

Set foot in Modiano – The World

In 2007, the publisher decided to recover Anagram Patrick Modiano, writer previously published in Spain by Carlos Alberto Conde between Dampierre and other translators, but whose works were in good Castilian out part and not a little forgotten. It coincided with the appearance in 2005 of a new book, ‘A Pedigree’, which was not a novel, but something like a short manual that provided the reader, it were the keys to understanding the issues Recurring appearing in novels Modiano: the troubled father figure, the constant presence of some ominous and vague circumstance always hanging over the protagonist, rootlessness, loneliness … ‘A Pedigree’ is something like the underside of the tapestry, the stitches, the visible face of the tapestry, form the picture, the figure provide the viewer, in this case the reader. From that date, Modiano, usually published a new book every two or three years , has published three other novels, ‘The coffee lost youth’, ‘Skyline’ and ‘The grass night ‘; and France has just appeared a few days ago, the fourth, as yet untranslated course, but translate it in 2015, ‘Pour your ne te pas dans le quartier perdes’ (So do not miss in the neighborhood), title very ‘modianescamente’ promising.

All of them published them, as I said, Anagram, which instructed me his translation, while recovering and asked me to translate previous ones, including the one that gave him the Goncourt in 1978 ‘ dark street shops’, and his first novel in 1968, also winning twice, ‘The place of the star’, that is, in a way, one with ‘The Nightwatch’ and ‘rides bypass’ , now published in one volume under the title ‘Trilogy occupation.’

It is difficult to prefer or highlight a work by Modiano. At least, I struggle. They are all a closed world, the branches of the same tree, support each other. If you ask me, as they have done today several times in various media, which advise to get started in this writer, I think I would choose the novels included in ‘Trilogy occupation’, because in them the latent threat and Figure turbid father have destacadísima presence, building the perfect setting: the Germans occupied Paris. And by ‘Street of dark stores’ paradigm because it is this world that the simple geometry of a sparse language that contains more intuited depths reputation, but dizzying. And of course, once you read some of his novels, and not before, ‘A Pedigree’.

After 11 books Modiano translated in seven years, starting to feel where and safer Floor , and, most important, where I should not tread: outside of that very narrow line that is the way of narrating Modiano and naked, sober language, which contains so much in so little. I walk by it to translate and I can not be distracted even for a moment, to “not get up to the plate” after the Barbican parapetándome conciseness, as does the writer. And careful not quell the throbbing behind her shadow and memory.

From the first day I have been proud to help spread outside France Patrick Modiano. And today think that their translators to several languages ​​have been putting some of the steps of the staircase that leads to the Golden Hall of the Stockholm City Hall and the tide tables that will flood the world loaded libraries of his books.

Maria Teresa Gallego Urrutia is National Translation Award of Romance Languages ​​and translator of the works of Patrick Modiano ..


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