Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stephen Hawking participate in the new Pink Floyd – Radio Programas del Peru

Wednesday, October 8, 2014 | 2:19 pm

The voice of the famous scientist, Stephen ecuchará Hawking in “The Endless River”, the new album Pink Floyd that marks the emergence of the British group after 20 years.

The electronic voice recognized theoretical physicist, above was recorded for the song “Keep Talking”, released in 1994 album “ The Division Bell “. This time, the scientist 72, participate in the song “Talking Hawking” .

The new material, which will be released on November 10, is a tribute to Rick Wright , who died in 2008 and whose keyboards scored an own style clustering.

The content is also a product of the sessions of the last job of Pink Floyd, “ The Division Bell “, which was never published. Now go back and updated with new sounds.

The tribute is mostly instrumental, but features the song “ Louder Than Words “, composed by Polly Samson, the wife of English musician David Gilmour .

Hawking listen mostly classical music, but is considered a fan of “music with character,” and has gone to Pink Floyd play live.


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