The writer Rafael Chirbes.
Rafael Chirbes won by On the Shore (Anagram) National Fiction Prize. The award, prestigiously each year by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, distinguishes the best work of this genre in 2013, worth 20,000 euros. The novel last spring and won the Critics Award. “This is a
On the Shore , Chirbes (Cullera, Valencia, 1949), recounts the human drama of the economic crisis through the lives of five unemployed and the boss who has fired. A sort of continuation of Crematorium (2007) on the housing bubble, the pitch and corruption surrounding the business.
is the outlook a dissector. Chirbes often stressed that writes about what he sees. And this view is panoramic, with magnifying glass on the Spanish society across the spectrum, from power to the base. On what is and is not . already did something similar in the years ninety-two thousand, about the war and the Transition, the novels The long march, Falling Madrid and The old friends. In 1988 he published his first novel: Mimoun , finalist Herralde Award
“If you stand on the side of the character you hate discover your own contradictions Against whom I write Contra..? myself, “he reflected in an interview with this newspaper Valencian author.” Writer must be flea and hare to not get caught. As will neglect, they’ve busted, “he said then.
The National Fiction Prize has been awarded since 1977, when he scored José Luis Acquaroni Copa Shadows . Since then the authors have obtained as Carmen Martín Gaite (The Back Room), Francisco Ayala ( Memories and forgetfulness ), Camilo José Cela ( Mazurka for two dead ), Juan Marse ( Lizard Tails ), Miguel Delibes ( The Heretic) , Javier Cercas ( Anatomy of a Moment ), twice Antonio Muñoz Molina ( The Winter in Lisbon and The Polish Rider ) and Luis Mateo Díez ( The Fountain of Age and Sky Ruin ) and Javier Marias Crushes in 2012, but turned it down
The jury was composed of:. President María Teresa Lizaranzu Perinat ( Director General of Policy and Cultural Industries and the Book); Vice-Mónica Fernández Muñoz (Deputy Director General for the Promotion of Books, Reading and Spanish Literature); and as the members proposed by references to the Royal Spanish Academy entities: Carme Riera i Guilera; the Real Academia Gallega / Real Academia Galega: María Dolores Sánchez Palomino; the Royal Academy of the Basque / Euskaltzaindia Language: Look Karmele Azkarate Villar; Catalan Institute / Institut d’Estudis Catalans Studies: Vinyet Panyella i Balcells; of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE): José Luis Vicente Ferris (Jose Luis Ferris); of the Writers’ Association of Spain (ACE): Julia Elena García Ochoa (Julia Otxoa); the Spanish Association of Literary Critics: Angel Basanta Folgueira; Federation of Associations of Journalists in Spain (FAPE): Maria Carmen del Riego de Lucas; the Center for Gender Studies at the Open University: Maria Magdalena García Lorenzo; the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports: Francisco Javier Rodríguez Marcos; and awarded during the last 2013 edition author:. José María Sánchez Merino
All prizes Narrative
2013- José María Merino, The River Eden.
2012-Javier Marias Crushes (rejected).
2011-Marcos Giralt Torrente, Lifetime.
2010-Javier Cercas, Anatomy of a Moment .
2009-Kirmen Uribe, Bilbao-New York-Bilbao
2008-Juan Jose Millas, The world.
2007 Vicente Molina Foix, The letter opener.
2006-Ramiro Pinilla, Green valleys, red hills III. The ashes of iron.
2005 Alberto Mendez, The Blind Sunflowers .
2004 Juan Manuel de Prada, The invisible life.
2003 Suso de Toro, Thirteen ballads (Thirteen Chimes) .
2002 Unai Elorriaga by Sprako Tram.
2001 Juan Marse, Lizard Tails .
2000 Luis Mateo Díez, The Wreck of Heaven .
1999 Miguel Delibes, The Heretic .
1998 Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Reo for night.
1997 Álvaro Pombo, Where women .
1996 Manuel Rivas, What I want love?
1995 Carme Riera, Dins the Darrer blau .
1994 Gustavo Martín Garzo, The language of the sources .
1993 Luis Goytisolo, Statue with pigeons .
1992 Antonio Muñoz Molina, The Polish Rider.
1991 Manuel Vazquez Montalban, Galindez .
1990 Luis Landeros, Games late age.
1989 Bernardo Atxaga, Obabakoak.
1988 Antonio Muñoz Molina, The invienro in Lisbon .
1987 Luis Mateo Díez, The Fountain of Age .
1986 Alfredo Conde, Xa Griffon or no vento vai .
1985 not awarded.
1984 Camilo José Cela, Mazurka for two dead.
1983 Francisco Ayala, Memories and oblivion.
1982 Jose Luis Castillo-Puche for Meet the dregs of nowhere
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester 1981, by The Island of cut hyacinths.. magical love letter with tweens
1980 Alonso Zamora Vicente , Mesa, Desktop .
1979 Jesús Fernández Santos, Walls.
1978 Carmen Martín Gaite, for The Back Room.
1977 José Luis Acquaroni, Cup shadows.
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