Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Alec Baldwin: “In the USA do not have the mood to appreciate the … – ABC.es
Alec Baldwin, an undisputed star of the cinema and American television, did not miss the presentation of “Torrente 5: Operation Eurovegas”, in which he said that his countrymen “have enough sense of humor to appreciate the irony” of such a film, starring and that led him to work for the first time to Spain. « Americans have no sense of humor splendid Spanish , much less to imagine a future that gives a picture of them other than they have: they are the best, the number one ‘ the actor said in an interview with EFE.
“If we talk about an alleged future in USA” quipped, “all speak Chinese, and Chinese banks would, and have Chinese names. No, definitely not you laugh at themselves, “he added. The actor is in Madrid promoting the fifth installment of the saga ‘Torrente’ with the rest of the cast and, like them, changed clothes to get to Casino Gran Madrid, where the interviews took place, and has placed a black shirt with the title of the printed film in big white letters .
Alto, burly, with vivísimos blue eyes and sly look, the New Yorker has preferred to speak in English because in the film explained in Spanish, but learned phonetically. “It’s rare to make a film in a language you do not know,” he acknowledged, but he is not the Castilian totally unknown, as is his wife and feels Mallorca Spain as a second home. In fact, Baldwin says is considering having Madrid as a hub and work in Europe .
He laughs when he explains that a Spanish friend, filmmaker, told him who he was Torrente. “The most disgusting me put it more fancied doing” said the winner of three Golden Globes for her role in the television series “Rockefeler Plaza”. For New York, the big players have moved to television for an obvious question: “Before 40 years ago, the industry used to do 80 percent of adult films explains the percentage separating the hands and 20 for Children. Now it’s the reverse, 20 drama for adults and 80 for Spider-Man. “
” The place to find the drama and topics of interest to adults now are shows like ‘Mad Men’, ‘ Breaking Bad, “” Boardwalk Empire “… Many people who worked in movies is on TV, serious actors, first. This is like going to a nice restaurant and be able to eat just chips . ” Baldwin also said he considers Santiago Segura a man of talent, who is also “very fun and very fast reflexes, and all with very good pace.” The best films, says, are the work of a single person who wrote and directed, and sometimes also acts, “such as Woody Allen, Warren Beatty, Roman Polanski, Francis Ford Coppola … and comedians like Ben Stiller and Sacha Baron Cohen. ” “Santiago can do all this, ‘he added.
Ken Follett concludes its owners ‘Novecento’ – Online
For speaking the term novecento as he is alien; so, plus it was already taken, Ken Follett came not as a global title of his trilogy on the twentieth century that just ended with ‘The threshold of eternity’ (Plaza & amp; Janes). This last volume begins with the erection of Berlin Wall and concludes with its collapse. In between, the struggle for civil rights for blacks in the United States, the missile crisis, repression in Eastern Europe, the war in Vietnam … A cool thoroughly documented in whose creation – divination is weighed much more perspiration (methodical and constant work) than inspiration.
Nearly three thousand pages in seven years. Not bad as speed dialing. Not much pull in the bin, that must-have item for every writer worth his salt. . “No, but I checked and I correct much every morning I start reading what was written the day before and always make many changes ,” says Follett
The documentation has gone from visiting. a museum in Atlanta where photographs explaining the techniques of nonviolent struggle is (well, peaceful meanwhile, racist whites were anything but peaceful) of blacks claiming their civil rights to interview the real model of a female character to which, in the novel, impregnates himself President Kennedy. “I admire Kennedy, the president and his brother Bob, how they evolved and became interested in the issue of civil rights, which was not among their concerns at first. And admire how John challenged the Pentagon resisting pressure to send ground troops to Vietnam. Another thing is your sex life. I know that I describe as a sexual predator and in that sense, it’s hard to admire him. “
But, with all the bad sexual mores of President Kennedy, in addition to those resulting from anticommunism led them to practice and questionably legal wiretap terrorism Cuba directly, the worse off out across the land hemisphere. The situation in East Germany would make Kafka, had lived there and as the classical expression, have been a realist. One thing this purpose, provided by Follett: “ In the GDR was a police secret for every sixty inhabitants , in Nazi Germany was one for two thousand”
Prince publishes two studio albums – La Vanguardia
Madrid (IRIN). – Singer Prince has announced the release two new studio albums, one solo, called ‘ Art official age ‘ and another with his new band 3RDeyegirl, with the name of ‘ Plectrumelectrum ‘.
Both works will be released worldwide this September 30th on Warner Bros. Records. Tantp ‘Art Official age’ and ‘Plectrumelectrum’ are now available for advance order on iTunes. The fans who book now will download new songs immediately. Both albums can also be booked at http://store.artofficialage.com.
The release of these two albums will be accompanied by a series of “very special” events taking place worldwide and whose details are They will be announced shortly. The solo album a “classic”, produced, arranged, composed and performed by Prince and Joshua Welton. Album Musically, it is a contemporary mix of soul, R & B and funk. The melodies are immediate and prominent and Prince’s voice is rich and robust, making the most of his vocal range with seductive lyrics.
Meanwhile, 3RDeyegirl-composed by Prince, Donna Grantis (guitar), Hannah Welton Ford (drums) and Ida Nielsen (bass) – recorded live and analog, an album is a statement of electrifying funk-rock. Many of the songs on ‘Plectrumelectrum’ were performed live on tour ‘Hit & amp; Run ‘in the UK earlier this year.
The launch of these two new studio albums marks a historic return to the original artist company, Warner Bros. Records. The renewal of the agreement came after Warner Bros. Records Prince returned to the original recordings of their albums released in the 80s, including Dirty Mind, 1999, Purple Rain and Sign ‘O’ The Times.
Monday, September 29, 2014
‘The minimum island’ becomes the second most popular film in its … – Digital People
‘The minimum island’ has been placed in the second position of the most watched movies on their opening weekend, which has achieved a revenue of 900,000 euros, according to data Rentrak.
The film directed by Alberto Rodriguez and starring Javier Gutierrez and Raul Arevalo could not overcome the box office achieved by the film ‘The Maze Runner’, based on the novel by James Dashner, which has earned a million euros this weekend.
Third ‘Child’ (also 900,000 euros of revenue), ‘A journey of ten meters’ (300,000 euros) and ‘Lucy’ lies (200,000 euros).
The premiere of ‘The minimum island’ has not reached the figure of ‘the child’, which achieved the largest Spanish opening this year with a revenue of 2.85 billion euros nor the results of ‘Eight Basque surnames’ which in its release reached 2.8 million euros.
Alberto Rodriguez’s film (“7 Virgins’,’ Group 7 ‘) is Spain set in the 1980 Actors Javier Gutiérrez Raúl Arévalo and get into the skin of two policemen who travel to a remote village in the marshes of the Guadalquivir a community rooted in the past where women do not matter to anyone, which must investigate the disappearance of two teenagers.
Lassalle promises more money, but settles the Patronage Act – The Digital Voice (Cádiz)
No enact this legislature expected Patronage Act. At least under that name. He acknowledged yesterday the Secretary of State for Culture, Jose Maria Lassalle, to confirm that the stellar management law is subsumed in the tax reform of the Ministry of Finance who commands Cristobal Montoro, in parliamentary procedure and perhaps enter into force in 2015. If that was the sand, the lime is on the increase under Culture in the State Budget that “fortunately is given for the first time in recent years,” and in the emergence of ‘crowdfunding’.
No Lassalle said the amount of the increase and anticipated today unveiled Montoro introducing in Congress a bill of public budgets for 2015, however, he noted how “for first democratized patronage in our country through the introduction of crowdfunding, with which the city may deduct 75% of the first 150 euros to devote to culture. ” “You will not have to be rich to be patrons: if that’s not a law of patronage that down and see God,” he said.
Lasalle eluded with repetition clearly specified that there would Patronage Act to name, and that the benefits of the decay law are measures of finance and justice in this area. “If we go into battle nominalisms, we can do,” he said to stop recognizing that “tax reform is the Law of Patronage.” “The sponsorship entails support tax incentives, deductions on income tax and corporation tax and that is a Law of Patronage,” Lassalle said after inaugurating the Meeting of Ibero Publishers in Madrid.
“In Spain there is a Patronage Act in force since the 90s and is now being amended. The Patronage Act are basically tax incentives and if the patron will not offer these incentives is called anything other than altruism or philanthropy occurs, “he said. “There’s a modification that makes the Ministry of Justice, which is facilitating the creation of foundations,” he added.
Lasalle advertises more Quotes for Culture and confirms that no … – The Reason
The Secretary of State for Culture, José María Lasalle, announced that “fortunately for the first time” will be an increase in the departure of Culture allocated by the State Budget (PGE) while patronage has confirmed that no will have its own law.
In this regard, he explained that the Law of Patronage finally divided between tax reform and regulation of foundations that prepares the Justice Department.
Asked about the future of this law and if will own name and surname, Lasalle has said that there will be sponsorship through tax incentives. “If we go into battle nominalisms, we can do it,” he noted.
In this regard, he clarified that the law is “basically” the presence of tax incentives. “If there are no incentives involving deductions on income tax or corporation would philanthropy or altruism, but not patronage,” he noted.
So, has indicated that will subsumed in the tax reform, because it involves touching taxes and is responsible to the Ministry of Finance. He also added that will be processed by the Ministry of Justice facilitating the creation of foundations, which will be a “package mainstreaming legislation patronage.”
“For the first time the patronage count in . Spain with the introduction of micromemecenazgo No need to be rich to be patrons: if that’s not a law of patronage, come down and see God “, underlined
Lasalle insists there is no law sponsorship – Cadena Ser
The patronage is already included in the latest tax change of Montoro despite a campaign promise to draft a specific law. Culture ensures that their budgets will increase next year for the first time since the outbreak of the crisis year.
The Patronage promised law will not be such, because the tax incentives that the rule was to include longer walk are the new tax measures included in the latest reform proposed by the government.
That’s the argument put forward by the Secretary of State for Culture, José María Lasalle who speaks of the mainstreaming of the measures proposed by the department will join “a change which falls under the Ministry of Justice, which is facilitating the creation of Foundations”.
During the Meeting of Ibero Editors held in the Reader’s House in Madrid the policy has also made clear its position on copyright law that currently being discussed in the Senate with it, it will end the arbitrary fixing of tariffs; and will provide legal certainty in the fight against piracy and transparency.
Lasalle not takes cognizance of the petition of collecting societies which brings together producers, publishers, artists for the Deputy Prime Minister involved in the negotiation of the law before they consider an inflexible position of the Ministry of Culture. And states that “we have incorporated all the demands and claims raised by the industry and raised the coalition of creators. With some nuances, demands in substance are contained in the current text.”
There seems the idea that this “sector” which has called for Tuesday a rally outside the Secretariat of State, in an action which he considers “the burial of the culture.”
The same day, delivered to Parliament the general state budget, according Lasalle will be increased for the first time since the start of the crisis.
Juan Trejo wins the X Prize Tusquets – La Vanguardia
Barcelona (EFE) .- Barcelona writer Juan Trejo has now won the X Tusquets Award Editors Novel by the work The machine future , a story of three generations of one family, uprooted from the present until a young life adventures of two visionaries, his father and grandfather.
The jury award, chaired by Juan Marse and composed Almudena Grandes Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Ginés Sánchez, winner of the previous edition, and on behalf of the Tusquets publisher, Juan Cerezo, emphasized especially “formidable narrative unfolding and ambition fabulating “of this story.
Born in Barcelona in 1970, Juan Trejo has a degree in Hispanic Studies from the University of Barcelona, and currently teaches at the School of Writing Ateneo Barcelones and acts as teacher European School Classroom.
‘Magical Girl’ wins Golden Shell at San Sebastian – La Vanguardia
San Sebastian (EP) .- The film ‘ Magical Girl ‘ filmmaker Carlos Vermouth has won the Golden Shell at the 61 International Film Festival San Sebastian which has given the president of the jury this year, producer Fernando Bovaira, who explained that this award has been given to “a disturbing, delicate and unique voice” of Spanish cinema. The Silver Shell for Best Director has also gone to Carlos Vermouth for his second feature, while the Silver Award for Best Actress was awarded to Danish interpreter Paprika Steen for his role in ‘Silent heart’ and Silver for Best Actor Javier Gutiérrez has received for her performance in ‘The minimum island’.
The prize list has been released at the closing gala of film festival that Kursaal Donostia San Sebastian from 20.30 and has been presented by actor Jose Coronado and journalist Edurne Ormazabal. Vermouth has dedicated the award to his girlfriend, present at the gala, and has said that she is doing the film. “Cinema is done for love and I make films for her,” he emphasized. Vermouth and ‘Magical Girl’ have also been raised with the Silver Shell for Best Director, who underlined that the film “is a journey not do alone but with many people” and had words of appreciation for the team his film and cast, among whom Joseph Sexton has described as “my master Jedi.” The jury also awarded a special prize for ‘Wild life’ Cedric Kahn. The Silver Shell for Best Actor Javier Gutiérrez, star of ‘The minimum island’ by Alberto Rodriguez, who has not come to collect the award that has been given to his co-star Raúl Arévalo, who has read a message from the award in which has dedicated the award, among others, to the team because “the South also exists” and the director, who has said he is “God for him.” Also, has criticized the “abuse and indifference” of Rajoy Government cinema.
The Silver Shell for Best Actress Paprika Steen has received, star of ‘Silent heart’ Bille August, the interpreter has collected from the hands of the jury for the Official Section Vlad Ivanov. The director Marjane Satapri, jury member of the Official Section, has given the Audience Award for Best Screenplay Dennis Lehane for ‘The Drop’ by Michael R. Roskam. The Jury Prize for Best Picture was awarded to Alex Catalán, director of ‘The minimum island’, Alberto Rodriguez film.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
“Magical Girl” conquest San Sebastian – La Prensa Grafica
The staff look Vermouth, already surprised everyone with his debut “Diamond Flash”, this time presented a tale of crossed destinies through blackmail starring Barbara Lennie, Jose Sacristan and Luis Bermejo.
However, Vermouth was not the only Spanish that prize home: among actors, the Silver Shell for Best Actor went to the Spanish Javier Gutierrez, who plays a homicide detective in the thriller Alberto Rodríguez “The Island minimal. “
The film, set in the eighties and in the marshes of the Guadalquivir, also won the award for Best Cinematography for Alex Catalan and Spanish Prize Feroz review.
“Magical Girl” Golden Shell at San Sebastian and consecration … – noticine.com
Written by © Carolina G.Guerrero (San Sebastián) -NOTICINE.com /> Sunday 28 September 2014 1:00 />
The Spanish tape Carlos Vermouth “Magical Girl” was the Golden Shell at a CV quite “home” in which the Spanish also “The minimum island” was a reward consolation, despite enjoying better received by the majority of the audience. Precisely Javier Gutiérrez was declared best actor for his role as Franco nostalgic police, while the award for best actress corresponded to the Danish Paprika Steen. Vermouth, whose previous work hardly anyone saw, introducing the second longest in Toronto, was consecrated as a Best Director Silver Shell, on the other hand, the Special Jury Prize went to the French “Vie sauvage” and best screenplay Dennis Lahane for “Delivery / The Drop” with Alex Catalán photography award for “The minimum island.”
The groundbreaking film definitely has seduced the jury Vermouth, seeking more originality, but brushed it excessive or alarmist, versus more integrated proposals and was unanimously stirred up more viewers and the press in this 62 edition San Sebastian Festival, which ended with a shower of stars personified by Benicio Del Toro, Josh Hutcherson, Charlotte and Orlando Bloom Gaingsbourg, although the latter very fleeting and wasted.
As for the awards sections parallel, in the section on Latin American film festivals from other Horizontes Latinos won the Mexican “Güeros” Alonso Ruizpalacios released last February at the Berlinale, which took 35,000 euros (45,300 dollars), which also won the Youth award.
In the screen Kursaal, ended the new film from French Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache “Samba” which happens to international success “Intocable / Intouchables”, responsible for closing the 2011 edition as a world premiere, leaving very good impression.
repeat with the lead actor Omar Sy, this time giving replies to the known French actress Charlotte Gainsbourg.
“Samba” is a story where eros gén intermingle, and you can find comedy, drama and even many moments of tension in it. The two protagonists, each man for himself in conflict with his work, Samba has over ten years living in France without papers, working on what comes out, take anything, but his dream is to become a chef like his uncle to live with it, but what about all crave is to regularize their stay in the country.
On the other hand, Charlotte plays an executive suffering from a “burn out”, a syndrome of prolonged stress with emotional and interpersonal responses regarding work. He then decides to take a respite and volunteer points to a NGOs, where illegal immigrants help resolve conflicts of all kinds.
in the organization where he meets and starts Samba carve their love story . At first she is the one that will be smitten by the attractive boy, who later went through a thousand vicissitudes of all kinds, as in an adventure film full of trials to overcome.
The fate join these two people with lives and completely opposite circumstances, and will delight the viewer a dash of quality and graceful, exciting and refreshing moments.
It seems that this pair of directors know that they no longer enjoy the Mass extraordinary success which had the previous film, but now they are happy and relaxed to have been able to bring to light an issue that they wished, but always inserting a comedic desdramatizadora a topic and sometimes tragic and delicate.
Once again been successful with this good work which opens in France on October 15 and during this winter in Spain.
One of the latest figures make an appearance in the festival has been the British Orlando Bloom, authentic “shooting star” dazzling and supersonic happened without hardly anyone could see it, since neither he organized a press conference or interviews. It only came as a producer of “The greasy handes preachers”, a motorcyclist who produces documentary. . He entered the auditorium to present the film, and the end thereof departed
This is the summary of achievements:
Golden Shell
“Magical girl” by Carlos Vermouth (Spain)
Best Director: Carlos
Vermouth, with “Magical girl”
Special Jury Prize
“Vie sauvage” by Cédric Kahn (France)
Silver Shell for Best Actor: Javier Gutiérrez
for “minimal Island” (Spain )
Silver Shell for Best Actress: Paprika Steen
for “Stille hjerte” (Denmark)
Best Screenplay:
Dennis Lehane, by “Delivery / The Drop” (USA)
Award for Best Picture:
Alex Catalán, for “The minimum island” (Spain)
New Directors:
“The Lesson” by Kristina and Petar Grozeva Valcharov
Horizontes Latinos
“Güeros” , Ruizpalacios Alonso (Mexico)
Irizar Basque Film Award:
“Negotiator” by Borja Cobeaga
Audience Award:
“salt land, Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado (France)
Audience Award for Best European Film:
“Wild Tales” Damien Szifrón (Argentina-Spain)
Youth Award:
“Güeros” Ruizpalacios Alonso (Mexico)
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Festival of San Sebastián: agur, 2015! – Vavel.com
Carlos Vermouth celebrated with the whole team of “Magical Girl” the Concha de Oro (Photo (void): vidayestilo)..
On Saturday ended the Festival of San Sebastián reaffirming itself as the best film festival in Spain. Over nine days he could enjoy over 180 films of different styles, genres, countries of origin, duration … Among all the films were also several world premieres, debuts directors amateurs ., or the latest developments of established filmmakers
It is clear that all viewers have their place in this festival, in luxurious surroundings in which one can only enjoy: movies, beach, food … Surely the Donostia Zinemaldia is growing every year more and hopefully keep doing it.
As usual, The festival ended with the closing ceremony in which, among other things, awards are handed out. The big winner of the night was Magical Girl who took two of the most important awards: the Golden Shell for Best Film and the Silver Shell Best Director to Carlos Vermouth. At the time, we discussed the good feelings after seeing this film and the standing ovation at the Kursaal finish; It was certainly a favorite to win one of the prizes of Donostia Zinemaldia.
In addition, the other star of the night was The minimum island , who took three acknowledgments: Silver Shell for Best Actor for Javier Gutiérrez, Jury Prize for Best Cinematography for Alex Catalán and I Feroz Award
. Surprisingly, “Eden” has not taken any awards
Other films in the official selection took some recognition that the French were Vie Sauvage Special Jury Prize, Stille Hjerte with the Silver Shell for Best Actress Paprika Steen, The Drop with the prize Jury for Best Screenplay Dennis Lehane, Phoenix with the FIPRESCI prize, In Chance Til with the SIGNIS Award (special mention for Loreak ) and Nouvelle Amie A with the Sebastiane Award.
Although it may be more or less agree with the decisions of the judges, has made a little unusual to have so little spread awards in an issue in which has expanded the number of tapes in the Official Selection; bit surprising, for example, that Eden has not led to the end of the day any awards.
In addition, section New Directors the movie award Kutxa The Lesson took. Very wise decision, because within the films that applied for the award this age of those who were more technically and narratively worked, where there was no argument nor vacuum chamber was no mistake. . Would like more to some and less to others, but it was a movie that was very well built
In addition, a special mention to Modris given; on this occasion I was a little surprised, as they generally did not like the attendees of the projection . The award of the Horizontes Latinos section took him Güeros . The Mexican film, a cinematic delight, was a favorite to win, but had strong rivals like Cockaigne or Princess of France .
The Mexican “Güeros” the upper hand in the Horizontes Latinos section and Youth Award
was also tape Ruizpalacios Alonso also won, unanimously, the Youth Award . In this section, two special awards were given. one for People of good and one for Natural Science .
In addition, Pearls , the section in which various films that have received good reviews in previous festivals (Cannes, Berlin, etc) are designed, award ribbons to choose Public. The winner of this award was film The Salt of the Earth with an extraordinary average of 9 out of 10, something rarely seen in the festival. In addition, the award for best European film co-production was for Argentina -. Spanish Stories Wild
And these are pretty much the most important awards that have been delivered in the 62nd San Sebastian Film Festival, in addition to the two prizes Donostia Denzel Washington . Benicio del Toro and
For our part, Our top 5 favorite are (in no particular order):
– Mommy Xavier Dolan
– Eden of Mia Hansen-Love
– Cockaigne of Lisandro Alonso
– Magical Girl Carlos Vermouth
-. Still the Water of Naomi Kawase
And, well, we are, to highlight a special mention to Güeros Alonso Ruizpalacios.
If all goes well, next year we will repeat experience. When you’re a movie buff, once attended the Festival of San Sebastián, want to repeat and go every year. There is nothing more enjoyable than being surrounded for nine days of many people with whom you share a hobby. Besides, nothing gives more impression (and happiness) as things are going now to see long queues to enter the cinema, see cartels sold out and see how it is filled a room with more than 1,500 seats. Certainly, if you like movies, this is your place. San Sebastián film is
Publico.es – ‘Magical Girl’ the Golden Shell at San Sebastian Festival takes
Carlos Vermouth is the name of the 62nd edition of the Festival de Cine de San Sevantián.La this Spanish film director Magical Girl , has won the Shell this Saturday Gold at the 62nd International Film Festival of San Sebastian, which also awarded the Silver Shell for Best Director with his second feature.
Starring Luis Bermejo, Jose Sacristan and Bárbara Lennie, Magical Girl transits firmly by the black genre, and the title refers to a type of manga comics.
Set in Madrid, the film starts with the story of a man who will everything possible to get to his sick daughter a dress from a Japanese series.
Vermouth and gets a doublet not seen since 1997 , with Claude Chabrol and his film Rien ne va plus . But the writer also Spanish is not the only name of this edition in which the jury awarded her Special Prize for French film Wild Life , director Cedric Khan.
The film is a “true and extraordinary story,” said Khan, who has dedicated the award to the “royal family” whose life is portrayed in the film and has accompanied him in the creation process.
Kahn has received the award from Maria Rondon, winner of the Golden Shell in 2013 by Bad Hair .
Javier Gutierrez Silver Shell for Best Actor
In addition, the Spaniard Javier Gutiérrez (Gozon, 1971) has won the Silver Shell for Best Actor for his dark and violent commissioner Low Island , Alberto Rodríguez.
The actor has not been able to receive the award up on stage at the Kursaal theater because it had a function Mácbez in Bilbao has collected his co-star, Raúl Arévalo.
The Madrid actor has read thanking Gutierrez said is “one of the most coveted awards for any actor, my legs are shaking and I lack the voice. “
The Danish actress Paprika Steen, Best Actress />
In addition, the Danish actress Paprika Steen has obtained the Shell Silver for Best Actress for her work in Silent Heart for director Bille August.
“Thank you for making films for women my age,” said Steen to collect the award by the character played in the last movie of August, in which the Danish filmmaker dives into the thorny issue of euthanasia but approached from the perspective of the dignity that attaches to the protagonist.
Steen has grateful to Bille August prize for having included in the cast and the entire team of the film.
The actress has said that is the first time participating in the Zinemaldia, which has always been one of his favorite festivals , “but from now on will be the favorite.”
With a vibrant and solid performance, Steen gives life in “Silent Heart” the eldest daughter of the matriarch of a family suffering from an advanced stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), so he decides with her husband, a doctor, not attending to the deterioration of a degenerative disease so they decide to end his life.
In the decision, the family holds a long meeting I attended two daughters, Heidi almost perfect, embodying Steen, and smaller, more unstable.
After the presentation of the film, which received a standing ovation from the audience and moved to tears to many attendees, Steen noted that their approach to the characters is “absolutely intuitive” and away from any method.
The actress has to his credit with performances Idiots , Lars von Triers, and The celebration , Thomas Vinterberg.
Magical Girl, Carlos Vermouth wins Golden Shell – The Courier
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‘Magical Girl’ by Carlos Vermouth, Golden Shell at the Festival of … – Reuters
Magical Girl is the film festival. Period. That is the clear message from the jury of the 62nd International Film Festival has awarded to the film by Carlos Vermouth Golden Shell for Best Film and C Silver oncha best Director. An unprecedented double in the history of the festival.
The jury endorsed the passion that the film has awakened from his early passing. Magical Girl is the confirmation of Vermouth, 34, as a pure storyteller with an amazing maturity. You can not summarize a synopsis of Magical Girl, halfway between the first cross structures and Tarantino’s obsession almodovarianos characters. Jose Sacristan, Bárbara Lennie and Luis Bermejo star in a narrative centered obsession, the disease, the relations of domination and submission, and black humor. Magical Girl is the fifteenth Golden Shell for Spain after the won by Isaki Lacuesta in 2011 by The Double Steps .
“Cinema is a journey from the bottom to form, it is a journey you do not do alone. Thanks Joseph Sexton is a Jedi Master and I am his Padawan , Barbara Lennie is a beast, Luis Bermejo, and Lucia Pollan, which is the future, “said Vermouth, the big winner night, in appreciation of its distribution. “And I want to thank them for my girlfriend. Cinema is done for love and I love you.”
Javier Gutiérrez , deserved Silver Shell for Best Actor for The Island Minimum . His police Francoist past is a sample of the vast range of an actor, best known for the small screen and its more comedic roles. The actor, who works in Bilbao tonight, unable to attend the Kursaal. His co-star Raúl Arévalo, read a letter as he was thrilled: “My legs are shaking legs to read the list of winners Thanks to all the team The minimum island The South also exists.. “.
Silver Shell for Best Actress at the Danish Paprika Steen , who plays in Silent Heart the eldest daughter of a mother who family gathers to say goodbye because he thinks suicide to avoid suffering the hardships of a degenerative disease. The movie veteran Bille August is admirably well played and even any two actresses playing the daughters also deserved the award. “Thank you for continuing to make films for women my age,” the actress thanked.
Special Jury Award, second in importance to Vie sauvage , the French Cédric Kahn a film that went largely unnoticed last scheduled day of the festival. A reflection on freedom through a family living in a semi-nomadic with their three children.
Jury Prize for Best Screenplay for the American Dennis Lehane The delivery (the drop ). Novelist and screenwriter (Mystic River, Shutter Island ) consists a black piece set in Brooklyn in which was the last film James Gandolfini. Director Michael R. Roskam has collected the award instead reading a letter on his behalf: “Many thanks for the public of San Sebastian and my readers”
Jury Prize for Best Cinematography. Alex Catalan The minimum island , perhaps the easiest to guess. Catalan approaches the beautiful sky ‘set’ of the marshes of the Guadalquivir in thriller Alberto Rodríguez. “What really has been awarded is the atmosphere of the film,” said Catalan.
The award TVE-Another Look , an award that distinguishes one film that addresses issues close to the world of women and celebrates its eighth edition is for the French film Bande des filles , Céline Sciamma.
Latin Horizons Award has been for the Mexican Güeros , Alonso Ruizpalacios.
Audience Award selected from the films of the Pearls section, a selection of the best other festivals, has been for The Salt of the Earth , Wim Wenders and Julian Salgado, a documentary photographer Sebastiao Salgado Brazil. The audience award for best European film was for Wild Stories s, co-production with the participation of El Deseo, the production of the Almodóvar brothers and TVE.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
The magical, murky and compelling film Vermouth – Online
It is just that the year in which the film presents Spanish in San Sebastian (his festival right) two of the best and most provocative films that have been seen in time, Shell is for one of them. Not so much provincialism (also) as a simple and obvious recognition. And merit is even greater because rarely the level of competition section was so high, so refined, so inviting.
Carlos Vermouth , also pointed to Shell Silver for Best Director, as well as confirming a filmmaker whose limit at every step, seems more difficult to predict. With ‘Magical girl’, was formerly director illustrator in this paper is confirmed as a refined maze creator of atmospheres (all perfectly murky). It says to create a story has to draw it before: “If I can sum up the film in a simple drawing is that no movie.” Add that understands film as a way of manipulating the viewer. And, more relaxed, it casts recognize who does not understand that what makes it “supernecesario”: “I do not want to waste money to anyone”
The whole story of the film has won. Golden Shell running in the back of the screen . It is the viewer who is invited to build the fractured tale of a wounded woman. The captivating register that looks Bárbara Lennie, José and Luis Bermejo Sacritán as fronts in which, from the shadow of a doubt the threat is projected move. The accuracy of a relentless and always aware of the gaps, the excitement, the cold direction, is responsible for everything else.
The result is a ribbon at the boundary between truth and Fear . Undoubtedly, the principle of a director who in just two films (this and ‘Diamond Flash’) has already built a world.
And so, suddenly, a film director and minimum modal sneaks into the top list of winners of the 62nd edition of the Festival of San Sebastián. Neither the purified inner reflection of ‘The minimum island’ by Alberto Rodriguez or the precise virtuosity and beautiful film Mia Hansen-Love and ‘Eden’ or dirty gesture Argentina ‘Outdoors’ Anahi Berneri , and the ease to mix melodrama genre films with Christian Petzold in ‘Phoenix’ , no, no of them, the winner was the one who was. Without a doubt. All favorite competing in the same arc probabilities. And directly responsible for this achievement is a director, José Luis Rebordinos , which in less than four years has turned completely to the appointment of cinema more important in Spain.
Beside, the Special Jury Award was the last to arrive for the competition. Vie sauvage (Wild Life), Cédric Kahn , is a film based on a true story; one of the events, shall we say, most important media in the recent France. A father kidnapped his own children and lived with them for six years so uncomfortable foreign affairs as civilization
The film, like the story itself, is kept in suspense between fiction and documentary.; between the wild and the scheduled; between calm and rage. The adventure of the three outlaws (for that is) in a world (ours) in which there is no room for anything other than what it should be thus becomes a kind of western melodrama in which no no other reason than the border itself, either. And in the background, irresolubre conflict between a father and a mother who claimed her own, flesh of his flesh. Directed with ease, precision and long outburst, the film is also a sensitive portrait of the time; of passing time.
The rest of the honors list was complying with the protocol. Unfair perhaps in a year like this. For ‘The minimum island’, the other Spanish, awards were Best Actor (Javier Gutiérrez) and Best Cinematography (Alex Alcantara). said this last thing that counts in the film is the atmosphere. And hit. Because tape Alberto Rodríguez more than just look, you breathe, you sweat even. Beside her, Danish actress Paprika Steen was identified as actress editing ending (poor Nina Hoss) and no one dared to take the chair to the script of Dennis Lehane for delivery.
And so it, Magical girl, a film that actually is more. From the outside, it might even be a way forward. From inside the sweltering year invitation to the movies. In his hands, the reality is simply a disease.
Vermouth Carlos wins the Golden Shell at the San Sebastian Film Festival – The País.com (Spain)
Director Carlos Vermouth. / Javier Etxezarreta. (AP)
A Star Is Born. The festival of San Sebastián has crowned film director Carlos Vermouth, whose second feature, Magical girl , it has won the Golden Shell Award and also the Best Director. These two major awards, which have almost never come from the latest one hand time was in 1997, when the French Claude Chabrol got two awards for Rien ne va plus – and endorse this film and mysterious delves into the subtle play of power and domination, which opens on October 17.
“The film is a journey that not only do” Vermouth said, he stepped on stage twice Kursaal at a gala presented by José Coronado and Edurne Ormazabal. Fernando Bovaira, as jury president, said Madrid is “a filmmaker’s own voice in the world and for the world.” The aforementioned, before declaring his love for his girlfriend, said: “I like the characters that the frames, and the previous award and went as a character”
The 62nd Zinemaldia also gave a resounding endorsement to another Spanish film in competition, The minimum island , Alberto Rodriguez, who has achieved the Silver Shell Best Actor for Javier Gutiérrez and the Award for Best Cinematography for Alex Catalan, right hand of Seville filmmaker. “The real winner is the atmosphere of the film, and that it met all the technical departments. I consider it a reward for them,” raised on stage photographer, a regular contributor to Rodriguez.
thriller , already in cartel and has entered directly into second place in the box office, snorkeling in the post-Franco Spain through two police investigating the disappearance of a teenage sisters in the Guadalquivir marshes, rice fields albergadores the incident.
Raúl Arévalo instead picked his teammate Javier Gutierrez, who was in the theater in Bilbao, the Silver Shell for Best Actor and moved its critical message. “A film made of titanic efforts and despite the Government of Mariano Rajoy. This film is also his, so I care for it,” read Arévalo end of text thank Gutierrez.
The French film Vie sauvage , directed by Cédric Kahn, has won the Special Jury Prize, a kind of silver medal with his illustration of the flight for eleven years a father and two sons fled France for half her mother and society that wants to tie a short to a family that wants to live outside the rules. The best screenplay has gone to a prestigious writer, American Dennis Lehane, adapting one of his short stories for Revenge , Michaël R. Roskam of thriller which was the last work of the actor James Gandolfini, and Lehane who, in a letter read by the director, gave some kind words of remembrance and tribute to their talent. Paprika Steen, usual dogma and Great Danes hits face movies, has been awarded the Silver Shell for Best Actress for her role as daughter of a terminally ill woman who asks his family to accompany him on his last days of life in the Danish Stille Hjerte , which leads Bille August, winner of two Palme d’Or and an Oscar in the nineties. Now he’s back to his intimate movies, that handling the camera with which he became the heir of Ingmar Bergman with the consent of the master, who gave him the script The Best Intentions. Steen, 50, at the end he dedicated his trophy to “the women of my age.”
The Spaniard Carlos Vermouth, three years ago wrote a script for a long with no producer ignored him, finished autoproduciendo his first film, Flash Diamond, which opened directly on the Internet. Magical girl starring Barbara Lennie, Jose Sacristan Bermejo Luis Elejalde and Israel, among others, is a tribute to the Japanese nuances and subtle and mysterious manga contemplations in which the viewer gradually gets to know the characters , comprendiéndoles and accepting. The film crew from hours before celebrating the success achieved: “You have to enjoy it, you have to enjoy it,” the filmmaker told
Cobeaga Borja has achieved the award for best film with basque Negotiator.. “There is much to do but go well,” said the filmmaker donostiarra prophet in his own land, on the current status of the Basque Country. And finally remembering Jesus Eguiguren, President of the Basque Socialist Party, and whose work as a negotiator with ETA stars in this comedy.
The Salt of the Earth , Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, the Audience Award was, and Wild Stories , Damien Szifrón the public to Best European Film. The award for best feature film at Horizontes Latinos went to the Mexican Güeros , Alonso Ruizpalacios “by his formal audacity and humor.” The film accompanied this award with the Youth Award. Another prestigious trophies over-and funding for the Zinemaldia- is intended for New Directors, which went to the Bulgarian Urok , and Petar Kristina Grozeva Valchanov.
The gala, short and elegant, closed with a screening of Samba , the new comedy from the directors of Untouchable , Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, the highest grossing non-Anglo film of all time. It’s an easy film, far to the 62nd Zinemaldia has decided to reward: A Spanish auteur and suspense, in a year that will have good box office, with the best market share of history but in which industry through its worst moments.